
New member
Hi guys,

I've read read and read tons about this topic. Much to no avail, as there are so many conflicting views on this subject. I want to run a 6 week DBol only cycle as my first cycle. I want to see how my body reacts to steroids, and thus don't want to inject just yet. People I know that have done Dbol onlys have had decent success, so I believe I kind of know what to expect. Any thoughts are much appreciated.

Stats -
Age: 21
Sex: Male
Height: 6' 1"
Weight: 185 lbs. or 13.2 stone
Body Fat: 13%
Lifting Experience: 3 years

- 30mg DBol everyday taken 3 times @ 10mg: Waking, Early Afternoon/Pre-Workout, Evening for 6 weeks
- Milk Thistle (or other liver protectant): 1g ED fro weeks 1-6

PCT: Nolva for 60 mg day 1, 40mg for days 2-11, and 20mg for days 12-21
- I also plan on taking Tribulus at 3g everyday as well as ZMA and creatine post-cycle as well as eating a crapload post cycle in attempts to keep gains
- If gyno symptoms approach, I will take Nolva as needed
- I plan on drinking at least 1 gallon of water daily and stick to a 5 day workout split and solid meal plan, as usual

What To Expect-
I've heard that you gain a lot of water weight obviously, and I'm not sure there's anyway to successfully combat this matter. I'm hoping to keep as much gains as possible, but won't be crushed if I end up losing them. I realize this is not the perfect cycle, as adding test, etc. would make it much better. But as I have mentioned before, I am not prepared to do that at this time. I was also wondering what people thought about an AI with this cycle. I think it's a low enough dose it shouldn't be a problem, but let me know.

I'm looking for people's past experiences, and thoughts on the matter. If you have criticisms, please let me know, I have nothing ordered yet.
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Yeah, my thought is that you wait four more years and do it right. Dbol only is like buying an ice cream cone and not getting the ice cream with it.

But hey, you want to take an estrogen bomb with shitty otc stuff hoping you'll come out on top - nothing bad can happen... Right?

Doing it right means injections of testosterone while using an AI, having pre/mid/post-cycle blood work and a proper pct including both clomid and nolvadex. HCG would be icing on the cake in this case. Or, you can risk messing your body up because you want to see how you 'react' to AAS.

Sorry, no way to sugar coat it, oral only cycles are a bad idea all around.
Thanks for the link @tbonexi. Yeah, I've read that dianabol at a non-ridiculously high dose does not or does not fully shut down your natural test production. But, then again I'm sure it could!

@halfwit: Okay, thanks man. Duly noted.
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please do not get offended, but this is a horrible cycle plan.

1-too young, wait till 25
2-if you're not willing to inject, do not do steroids
3-testosterone should be the base of every cycle unless you are a female
4-an ai must ALWAYS be used on cycle, especially with dbol.
5-you're too small @ 6'1" 185, you have no base yet.
6-you need to learn how to eat to grow, steroids do not make you big, food does.
7-first cycles should ALWAYS be TEST ONLY.
8-pct should be clomid and nolva for at least 4 weeks.
9-there's no way you read and read tons about this topic, because if you did, you would not have come up with this horrible cycle plan.

like i said, please do not get offended. this was purely to help you man. you have MUCH to learn before you are ready to cycle. I researched obsessively for 3 years before I did steroids. prepare for some harsh criticism on this cycle, but don't let it get to you. take in the information and learn from it.
Hey @jozifp103, no offence taken man. That's exactly why I started this thread.. to get some advice haha. I thought there might've been a way to run this safely, but doesn't sound like there is haha.
I have been using AAS for over 20 years and have never heard one respected member of any board recommend oral only.If you would like to see how your body reacts, run 500 mg of test e or cyp ew for 10-12 weeks. Use an AI during that time along with HCG to keep the twins happy. Use clomid and nolvadex for pct. In a couple more years.
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I see these oral only cycles on other forums like AM.
Do people honestly get and keep gains?
I just can't imagine they would.
4 weeks of being stronger is going to do what?
Risk and injury?
Tear a few more muscle fibers?
Bloat you?

It's beyond me.
Ive been running gear off and on for 10 years, and IMO oral steroids are useless in any cycle period. Ive used many and in the end, you keep NOTHING of what you gained. They curb your appetite and are just a pain in the ass to take all the time. The only thing i see them being useful for is power lifters before a meet, Drol or Halo.
Ive been running gear off and on for 10 years, and IMO oral steroids are useless in any cycle period. Ive used many and in the end, you keep NOTHING of what you gained. They curb your appetite and are just a pain in the ass to take all the time. The only thing i see them being useful for is power lifters before a meet, Drol or Halo.
do you feel the same way about var? i agree somewhat with orals like dbol or drol, but i think var gives pretty keepable gains no? what are your thoughts on this?

oh and thanks for the rep comment buddy!
Bad idea, like the other men said. Wait a few years, do your research and you will find that people that have the most success w/aas is people who allow their hpta to develop, eat right, get proper rest, and last but not least, aren't afraid of a little syringe and needle. If a person isn't ready to inject, they are not ready for the big leauge. Not trying to sound like a dick, just being honest.
do you feel the same way about var? i agree somewhat with orals like dbol or drol, but i think var gives pretty keepable gains no? what are your thoughts on this?

oh and thanks for the rep comment buddy!

Good call brotha!! I stand by my words, BUT var is the exception, i have ran it and it produces quality lean muscle gains, of which most you keep. I actually totally forgot about Var, lol.
I couldn't agree more with Jozi. Man I know pinning isn't a nice experience for some but it gets easier. Before you know it you won't be bothered at alllllll.
I couldn't agree more with Jozi. Man I know pinning isn't a nice experience for some but it gets easier. Before you know it you won't be bothered at alllllll.
no lie.

I was scared to death of pinning
First cycle had someone pin me.
Second picked long eaters so I could pin 2x
Next cycle mwf so 3x
Then a cycle eod
Then pinning Ed
Plus some where in the middle I did gh Ed subq

Its second nature now. Get in get out, go on about your day.