First cycle dbol /test enanthate

Adnan 1977

New member
Hi guys I started my first cycle 12 weeks ago my stats were 5ft8inch 38 years old 160lbs I took 25mg dbol for 5 weeks every day and pinned 1ml/250mg testosterone enanthate for 12 weeks every monday and Thursday also I took adex .5mg every other day till end of 12 week cycle I gain 30lbs of muscle don't see any water retention at all or any sides whatsoever
Posting pictures of me first one before starting cycle rest of the pictures are from week 8 till present just finished last pin Thursday last week
Hope to get input from all of you guys
what is your body fat percentage ? you started at 160 pounds and say you added 30 pounds in 12 weeks, so you are 190 lbs at 5'8" right now,, yet you don't think you are holding water weight (highly unlikely) has your blood pressure increased?
pictures before and after

honestly don't know my body fat
I don't know if I have water retention or not but the way I see is I don't think I have water retention
I know in gym some guys look bloated you can see clearly
I have checked my blood test and all cycle through my blood pressure was normal
not a single side effect
diet high proteins low carb and low fat eat clean for 12 weeks and still doing it
I am attaching my pictures one picture was taken before I even started my cycle and rest of them last week

what is your body fat percentage ? you started at 160 pounds and say you added 30 pounds in 12 weeks, so you are 190 lbs at 5'8" right now,, yet you don't think you are holding water weight (highly unlikely) has your blood pressure increased?
I hate to burst your bubble but I believe in being straight up. Your carrying alot of body fat from the start. Higher body fat and cycles are tough combination when it comes to keeping estrogen in check let alone seeing any changes. YOu need to go back to basics, train hard, eat right and leave the gear alone. Test should be run by itself for first cycle anyway. Its a great forum with a wealth of info, do your homework and be ready for harsh comments when posting as a newbie and not doing research first.
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I'm guessing that your before and after body changes are due primarily because of diet and exercise.. not AAS use,, the 25 mg a day of D-bol you have been taking is really not doing much but shut down natural T production and armoztized into estrogen.

I'd keep up with the diet and exercise, build a solid base, then put together a well thought out AAS protocol after that
i have found out my body fat is 16.3 %
my cycle was 25mg dbol every day (took 50 pills altogether so whole bottle finished in 50 days)
250mg/1ml test E every Monday and Thursday
250 iu of hcg every Monday and thursdaay as well
every other day throughout cycle took arimidex .5 mg
now after 3 weeks since last injections i will start nolva and clomid

my goal is to reduce body fat to 10% and keep it around that .
may be pictures are not that but i am gonna post new pictures which my friend at work took it in gym
hope that will help
i know i am new to this forum and aas stuff i did research it first before i even began my cycle or think about getting gear
i am not shut down at all throughout my cycle .
i know people will give me shit regarding my cycle and regarding my pictures i always welcome all those comments with open heart no worrries anyone can say whatever they think it will give me more information and courage to better myself .

I'm guessing that your before and after body changes are due primarily because of diet and exercise.. not AAS use,, the 25 mg a day of D-bol you have been taking is really not doing much but shut down natural T production and armoztized into estrogen.

I'd keep up with the diet and exercise, build a solid base, then put together a well thought out AAS protocol after that