First Cycle / Dragon Pharma credibility


New member
So my first cycle and probably only cycle is going to be only Winstrol. I only want to get lean and down to 6% body fat which is why i picked winstrol, I would also like to increase my stamina and speed which i also heard winstrol does. My plan is 50mg a day and i might kick it up to 100mg a day depending on how it's effecting me. I'm planning on a 6 week cycle, I will also be taking liv 52 which is a liver protection supplement so my liver doesn't give up on me. I'll obviously be lifting and running like crazy with a good diet. I don't want to take test and I won't because im 25 and i don't want to mess with my test levels yet that much, I just want to get very lean and a little bit stronger which is what Winstrol is perfect for. Also how bad are the joint pains, will i be able to lift/run etc.?

I've been shopping online and found dragon pharma 50mg winstrol for 100$, 100 tabs. This deal is crazy which is why it attracted me but it's a bit suspicious. Maybe it's not the right dose or something? Geneza winstrol is 36$ for 20 tabs so the prices don't match up at all and I've heard very good things about Geneza but i would rather have 100 tabs than have to spend about 115 to get 80. I've heard a lot of bad stuff about their vials but idk if it implies to pills too, so has anyone tried these? I don' want to inject either so don't even say anything.

Thank you in advance guys
Dude come on man. Please do not run winstrol by itself. Youre reasoning by not wanting to run test is because you say you dont want to mess with your hormones. Thats exactly what winstrol will do, thats WHY you would run test with it. People do oral only cycles, but theyre wasting their time. Its going to shut you down.
Do you know what you r going to do to yourself? You are going to shutdown your HPTA. No test production no test nothing to aromatize into estrogen which you need. Which means a crashed E2. You don't mention a plan for your restart either. You really need to do some research before you do some real damage my friend.

Enough from me. I'm sure some vets will give you their opinions.

Educate before you medicate
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