first cycle ever - needles/syringes/bac water


New member
hello all,

this is my very first post. Ive been just reading and learning for a while. Take a look at my profile for more info. Been natural for a long time with great results and success as you will see from my pics. Decided to take myself to the next level. Ive done all the proper research, know what and when to take everything. Got my gear already, PCT is shipping and should be here in 1 week. I don't usually ask questions and this is my first one, but i am a little confused about syringes/needles/bac water....

Exactly how many needles will i need for a 10 week testE cycle? what size? needle length? How about Human Chorionic Gonadotropin (HCG)? size? loength? how many? How much BAC water should i order? Ive been searching but im seeing a lot of CC, gauge, 1 inch, 1.5inch, ML, and im just trying to get it right and quickly because i already have my gear and PCT should be here shortly. I would REALLY appreciate if you could tell me:

1) how many needles do i need for 10 weeks to pull the oil? (add some to safe too) 18? and then 1 or 1.5inch?
2) how many injection needles for test-E do i need? what size? 22? 1 or 1.5in?

1) how many needles do i need for 10 weeks plus 10 days before pct to PULL Human Chorionic Gonadotropin (HCG)? what size? 1 or 1.5in?
2) how many needles do i need to inject Human Chorionic Gonadotropin (HCG)? size? 1 or 1.5in?
3) How much BAC water should i order??

Thanks in advance!
Test E
1. If you're going to use a different needle to draw then you would need 20 (2 injects wk x 10 weeks). 18 gauge would be good, size doesn't really matter for drawing
2. Injection needles you would also need 20, but get extra in case you need so maybe 25-30. I personally use 25 gauge 1 inch needle but 22 would work fine too. You may need 1.5 in for glutes depending on how big you are otherwise 1 inch works.

I would also recommend you extend the cycle to 12 weeks if you are able to
cool thanks man, how about syringes? quantity? size? Thanks!

Test E
1. If you're going to use a different needle to draw then you would need 20 (2 injects wk x 10 weeks). 18 gauge would be good, size doesn't really matter for drawing
2. Injection needles you would also need 20, but get extra in case you need so maybe 25-30. I personally use 25 gauge 1 inch needle but 22 would work fine too. You may need 1.5 in for glutes depending on how big you are otherwise 1 inch works.

I would also recommend you extend the cycle to 12 weeks if you are able to
hello all,

1) how many needles do i need for 10 weeks to pull the oil? (add some to safe too) 18? and then 1 or 1.5inch?
2) how many injection needles for test-E do i need? what size? 22? 1 or 1.5in?

1) how many needles do i need for 10 weeks plus 10 days before pct to PULL Human Chorionic Gonadotropin (HCG)? what size? 1 or 1.5in?
2) how many needles do i need to inject Human Chorionic Gonadotropin (HCG)? size? 1 or 1.5in?
3) How much BAC water should i order??

Thanks in advance!

1: honestly i take one needle at beginning of cycle, last time a 23 gauge, but this pulls slow, and use it all cycle, i just make sure to cap it right after using, and place it back on a syringe and keep in its package. 18 will be fast though. Length doesnt matter

2: depending on the amount of test your running its best to divide into two injections per week, say tues and sat, for more stable levels. there usually sold in 25 packs anyways, i always use 23 gauge if injecting into glutes i recommend 1.5" if anywhere else 1". 3cc syringes are what you need, so 20 syringes and 20 needles at min, but like i said they are usualy sold in 25 packs, and you can get needles on syringes already, the needles screw off and you and attach your draw needle, just make sure to tighten them


1 and 2: get insulin syringes 1iu,
3: It all depends on how you want to mix your concentration, but if you plan to have 500mg per ml you will need 10ml of bac water
Using the same tip for drawing an entire cycle worth of gear is not sanitary at all. After your done pulling the oil, and you remove the tip it's wet with oil. Thats just a medium for the bacteria to grow on. You then have a bacteria filled tip that your pulling your (supposed to be) sterile needle to inject with. Not a good idea. Tips are cheap, don't be cheap when it comes down to injecting something into your body.
Just buy a fuck ton. You can either use 3ml syringes or 1cc/100iu insulin syringes (dependent on how much your pinning), for oil. I like 22g to draw, 25g to pin. 1.5" for glutes and quads (I'm lean enough I could use 1", just prefer 1.5). 1" you can stick anywhere and 5/8 or 1/2" is good for bi's/tri's/calves, but again you can put 1" anywhere (including bi's/tri's/calves). Keep in mind you'll need 1 needle each time you draw, then a new needle each time you pin, plus spares in case anything happens (I've hit a nerve on the way in before and had to move spots). You should be using a new barrel each time as well. You want slin pins for hcg; 29-31g 1/2", sub-Q.
Using the same tip for drawing an entire cycle worth of gear is not sanitary at all. After your done pulling the oil, and you remove the tip it's wet with oil. Thats just a medium for the bacteria to grow on. You then have a bacteria filled tip that your pulling your (supposed to be) sterile needle to inject with. Not a good idea. Tips are cheap, don't be cheap when it comes down to injecting something into your body.

^^^^^Needle and syringe combos are quite inexpensive in boxes of 100 - best just to buck up for them and never have to reuse or worry about running out. One trip to the doctor due to an infection will wipe out all savings and then some.
thanks man! For the BAC water...i got 5 x 2000iu vials. I will be running 500iu/week for 10 weeks, then 500iu everyday for 10 day prior to pct

you mentioned 500mg, but my Human Chorionic Gonadotropin (HCG) is in IU. So how much BAC water in ml should i buy for the whole cycle?

1: honestly i take one needle at beginning of cycle, last time a 23 gauge, but this pulls slow, and use it all cycle, i just make sure to cap it right after using, and place it back on a syringe and keep in its package. 18 will be fast though. Length doesnt matter

2: depending on the amount of test your running its best to divide into two injections per week, say tues and sat, for more stable levels. there usually sold in 25 packs anyways, i always use 23 gauge if injecting into glutes i recommend 1.5" if anywhere else 1". 3cc syringes are what you need, so 20 syringes and 20 needles at min, but like i said they are usualy sold in 25 packs, and you can get needles on syringes already, the needles screw off and you and attach your draw needle, just make sure to tighten them


1 and 2: get insulin syringes 1iu,
3: It all depends on how you want to mix your concentration, but if you plan to have 500mg per ml you will need 10ml of bac water
I draw with a 20 guage and inject with a 25 guage 1 1/2 inch. I only inject in the ass.. No reason to hurt other parts of your body. Rotate cheeks.
I draw with a 20 guage and inject with a 25 guage 1 1/2 inch. I only inject in the ass.. No reason to hurt other parts of your body. Rotate cheeks.

Rotating sites will help reduce chances of scar tissue build up though. I guess if you are not injecting very often though that's fine, but just adding quads or delts in would probably be beneficial in the long run.
thanks man! For the BAC water...i got 5 x 2000iu vials. I will be running 500iu/week for 10 weeks, then 500iu everyday for 10 day prior to pct

you mentioned 500mg, but my Human Chorionic Gonadotropin (HCG) is in IU. So how much BAC water in ml should i buy for the whole cycle?

your Human Chorionic Gonadotropin (HCG) is 5000mg , BEFORE you mix it, in powder form, there is 5000mg in there

IU is just a unit, and means nothing in relation to what your using for. It depends on your concentration.

Mixing 10ml of BAC water will give you a concentration of 500mg/ml

so if you then draw 1IU (or 1ML) on your syringe your taking 500mg of hcg, half an IU is going to be 250, etc.
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Using the same tip for drawing an entire cycle worth of gear is not sanitary at all. After your done pulling the oil, and you remove the tip it's wet with oil. Thats just a medium for the bacteria to grow on. You then have a bacteria filled tip that your pulling your (supposed to be) sterile needle to inject with. Not a good idea. Tips are cheap, don't be cheap when it comes down to injecting something into your body.

didnt do it to save money, and i didnt have one issue in 12 weeks 2 pins a week, if I am simply using it as a draw needle always cleaning the top before a draw, and capping the needle immediately after drawing, i see no point of contamination. i know their cheap, but i also didnt see any way that this needle would have a bacteria problem.