First cycle ever - please help


New member
Hi there, I am considering my first cycle, my main goal is fat loss and muscle gain with as low as possible level of side effects. I have been lifting since I was 18 for less than a year, then had 2 years break, and started again when I was 20-21, I'm 22 now. For the past year had my diet set up properly, and was making some gains (fat gains unfortunately as well). I am 5'6, 165lbs, about 20% bf. I have been on crash diet currently so my strength went down a little bit ATM it's: 80kg x3 DL, 70kg x6 squat, 67.5kg x6 bench press I know it's pretty low. I was considering ANAVAR because of minimal sides, with test (don't know about sides yet) so my libido will stay alright. However during some research it seems like ANAVAR isn't really effective tho. What would be the most effective AAS without many side effects that would get me to about 8% bf and at the same time let me gain some muscles during my first cycle. Also what is the most legit place to get them in UK online, in general something good, safe and effective. Thanks
hey man everyone here will say test only, i wouldn't mind adding var. However you should try to diet to gain weight up to 180lbs. Im not bashing on you, but diet is key, if you wont be able to gain weight on diet clean*** then you wont be able to do it the way u want on cycle. So therefore do a 10 week clean bulk diet. Ask 3j on ogoly here. Also just to let you know the rules state we cannot name sources here or prices. Please read the rules before the vets begin to bash on you hard my dude. Welcome to ogly.
I would consider test however I am quite afraid of the side effects, as my brother (16y older than me) used to take it and he got bald lol so I would assume test speed up his genetic baldness tho. On the other hand, I really wanted to get visible abs for this holiday season, been reading loads of books by lyle McDonald and doing IF lean gains cut with it and I have to say I do see some results but I'm just worried that I won't get down to 8-10% naturally by June / July. I was planning on getting down to at least 10% by May/June then clean bulk for a month to look at least decent by June/July but I don't think it will be possible naturally. Hence my interest in AAS, and mainly Anavar because of low side effects, test somehow put me off a bit because of possible side effects. Hmmm
I would consider test however I am quite afraid of the side effects, as my brother (16y older than me) used to take it and he got bald lol so I would assume test speed up his genetic baldness tho. On the other hand, I really wanted to get visible abs for this holiday season, been reading loads of books by lyle McDonald and doing IF lean gains cut with it and I have to say I do see some results but I'm just worried that I won't get down to 8-10% naturally by June / July. I was planning on getting down to at least 10% by May/June then clean bulk for a month to look at least decent by June/July but I don't think it will be possible naturally. Hence my interest in AAS, and mainly Anavar because of low side effects, test somehow put me off a bit because of possible side effects. Hmmm

go to burning the fat forum and check out my "is it possible to burn 1% bf /week. Its possible just the right diet is needed. there is stuff like duhast for combating baldness, but test doesn't affect dht levels muchhh, unless your genticly prone