First Cycle, Experianced Advice Please!


New member
Hey guys,

So I have took alot of time and thought into this and I think I am ready to start my 1st cycle of AAS. I would like any feedback I can get whether it's positive or negative I wanna hear it all. I am currently 22 Years old 140 lb's (VERY fast metabolism) 5'9. I've wrestled for 18 years so I am very familiar with working out/ training. I have been doing it the "Natural" way for sometime now but I just can't put on the muscle and definition I'm looking for, Not looking to be the next Arnold but I want to be Ripped, Toned, and Strong *That might sound generic, but its true*. I am not scared of a needle at all, So starting with injectables is NOT a problem with me, Considering I am not a pussy, I just want some advice on what I should do, What my cycle should consist of, Diet, Where to get legit gear, What to do after a cycle, etc etc (Sorry I am a complete rookie to this but hey, gotta start somewhere right?) I have done ALOT of research but I can never find direct info because I am a totally different person then the person I see posting on what THEY should do. I have read about a Test E and Dbol cycle which striked my interest but I figured asking you guys would better suit me. Also I would like to note, I am not doing this to impress anyone, I'm doing it for myself and myself only. I know my age might be a little sketchy but I think 22 is fine, If you guys don't think so I am willing to listen why, and if I should wait.

Budget is not a real big deal, I would rather get good gear and pay alot then get shitty gear and get bad side effects and no results. I have read the Pro's and Con's and I am willing to take the risk of the Con's or I wouldn't be posting this, I know what I am getting into and know what I want. I just don't have the influences around me to coach me on how to do it. I don't want to keep on rambling so if you could please give me a detailed post on what I should do to start up a first cycle. Actually doing it I am COMPLETELY new too and just been going off my research, So please bear with me..
Thanks in advance!

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Ok number one your to young. Number two your 140 pounds. If you can't gain off cycle you will have trouble keeping the weight on from aas. You need diet help before you do anything because ill tell you right now you will not be happy with results. Which this will cause you to lose weight after your cycle is over. Then this will turn into excess cycling and not properly letting your body heal and get used to the weight. Get a nutritionist and cycle in a few years when you get a decent body. In the meantime stick around and learn
I have read about people 140-150 lb's and after 3-4 cycles they got up to 185+, and when off still holding 170 lb's.. I don't know their cycle just know they have done it, Which in reality makes it possible.

You can't say a person can't take AAS because they don't weigh enough, I have never seen a weight restriction considering i am done growing, You stop at age 20..
Well since you know everything why are you asking us? Go ahead let us know how that works out for you. Alot of us have been cycling since before you were born. People don't understand gear is made for people to get to the next level. Not get you to the first level which clearly you aren't on yet. I gave you good advice which clearly everyone is gonna say because I got a sister that's bigger than you. Good luck
Like I said, I'm familiar with working out...I've wrestled and Placed top 3 in States in Pennsylvania..I just can't gain the weight, I have done it ALL. I have read of numerous people taking AAS in their 20's wether its healthy or not you can do it I hear, and same thing with the weight, If I wanna do it, I will do it...
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Like I said, I'm familiar with working out...I've wrestled and Placed top 3 in States in Pennsylvania..I just can't gain the weight, I have done it ALL. I have read of numerous people taking AAS in their 20's wether its healthy or not you can do it I hear, and same thing with the weight, If I wanna do it, I will do it...

eat until you feel like throwing up. wait an hour. do it again. youre using your fast metabolism as an excuse, stop that.

start counting calories. im betting you arent eating much right now. find how much youre currently eating, add 1k to that.

tell me if you dont gain weight after doing that

5'9 140... most people are those stats before they step into a gym, cmon son
5'9 140... most people are those stats before they step into a gym, cmon son

Couldn't agree more. No offense here but my gf almost weighs more than you. She's 125lbs (don’t let her read this). Look I guess what we're all trying to say, with the most amount of respect possible and without hurting your feelings is that, you can't possibly be at your body's "natural" plateau weighing in at 140lbs. It’s just not right. IF that is however the case, then steroids unfortunately are just not for you. That's simply the bottom line. Your misconception that you'll gain 25lbs is HIGHLY unlikely. You say you'll eat more and it will work. Why don’t you eat more first and see where you're at.

Once again, just opinion but who are we to tell you what to do?
I would like any feedback I can get whether it's positive or negative I wanna hear it all.

You asked for it and you got it. What more do you want? Most people won't advise someone they don't deem worthy of their time. Specially if you're gonna start arguments over advice given... Good advice at that! I agree with everyone else. Eat more. You probably need a new gym routine cuz yours is obviously not working

Eat BIG. Lift BIG. Get BIG. Nuff said!
you say budget isnt a problem, then hire 3J to make a diet plan for you. he's in the diet forum and will make a customized diet for you, i think its a bit over 100 bucks for 5 weeks. this will help you more than aas in the long run
too young and too small im sure you could do very well naturally and build your self up abit. if you wanna build up which at your size should be ok maybe look at your training routines and especially cardio and food intake as your metabolism is very fast and if your cardio is too much you may be cutting yourself short and need to address these areas.
either way you gotta add a foundation and age abit b4 you start aas.