first cycle, few questions


New member
hey guys, my name is eric and I am new to this forum and also to cycling. my buddy has been doing it for quite sometime now so most of my information comes from him. im 24 years old. I struggled with opiate addiction (oxycodone, occasional use of heroin) for several years and it has brought down my testosterone levels, my doctor would just keep telling me it would eventually turn back to normal.. this is months later now and still no change.. lack of appetite, fatigue, 0 sex drive, and the fact i was weighing in at 118lb and im 5-10.. even with lack of appetite i still tried to eat 3 times a day and drink a protein shake. still no weight gain.

so now I'm a week in on my first cycle of test cyp with about 400mg a week. for my size is this too much, to little? Since my first day of injection i changed my diet and started to hit the gym. I don't know if it is just mentally or it actually is working already but now the scale ranges from 124-127. but i know steroids do react rather quickly in my system, i was taking humira for bad arthritis and psorasis a few months back and that cleared my psorasis up with in a week, which they say takes normally atleast a few weeks.. prior to taking my first injection i barely drank water and now lately i been drinking almost 8 16oz bottles of water a day. so could it possibly be working already? i already have intense sweating palms, been eating like crazy, my testicles deff have shrunken a lot, my neck is getting bigger, my facial hair is coming in more evenly, I'm not so tired, no arthritis pain, psosarsis has cleared up, my nose is very oily, and my chest and arms are getting bigger.. only bad thing i've noticed is that my pulse is up quite a bit, today my heart rate was at 130 and my blood pressure was up just a notch.. however last night i slipped up and had a few beers and rather to much vodka so i really think its more from that. NO MORE DRINKING FOR ME WHATS SO EVER.

so my again my few questions are..

1. should i even be juicing?

2. did the test cyp already enter my system that i can notice?

3. am i drinking enough water or to much water?

4. am i working out enough.. (basically every other day)

i'll appreciate any feedback that i can get!

thanks in advance

i think i posted this in the correct forum.. should i have posted this in here or Anabolic Forum?
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hey man ..first off id like to say that im glad to hear that your trying to fix your drug problems..i know that addiction to opiates can be a very hard thing to get away from. i have a few friends that struggled with this in the past so i understand your problem. As to your questions about the cycle, its seems like in your case that it can be very beneficial to you. it will deffinately help you get on the right tract with you eating and weight. so i say that the cycle is good thing to do for you will begin to look healthy and feel much better through out the day. your sex drive will without a doubt come back into full swing within a few weeks. The test has entered your system and usually they first thing people notice in the first 2 weeks is the appetite increase and feel slightly more energy..may be a mental thing atfirst for most...test cypionate usually takes anywhere from 2-4 weeks to kick in to its full effects but once it does kick in youll see a difference. blood pressure does go a little when taking steroids its always a good thing to monitor this closely ...make sure to take multivitamins and fish oils to help keep nutrition in check ...the fish oil will help wiht blood pressure and cholesterol levels. your third question about the water. you should be drinking anywhere from 1 - 2 gallons a day so i suggest you go to the store and buy a few jugs to carry around with you throughout the day. try to stay away from fast food if you can help it as well...home cooked meals are better. fast foods usually have lots of sodiums and sugars which are not the best for you when taking steroids. and as far as the gym goes..try to make it to the gym atleast 4 days a week if you can. and make sure to do about 20 minutes of cardio as well in those workouts...helps regulate blood flow and will help with muscle growth...ask your friend to write you up a workout routine so you can build muscle and make proper weight gains...this should help out wiht some of those questions you had

Thanks for your reply man, yah road to recovery is a long process and it sucks. Am I safe with the 400mg a week of the cyp and should I be taking it with anything else? Right now I split it up into 2 weekly injections.
400 mg a week is just fine you dont really need any more than that. i would suggest that you get a good multivitamin to take with it and maybe an amino acids supplement to take before you go to the gym. also get and aromatise inhibitor..aka. estrogen blockers...not ones that you can buy at GNC though ask whoever you got your gear from to get you some estrogen blockers also i would recommend that you look into getting something to take for when your cycle is over. post cycle therapy is vital to a steroid cycle. i would suggest using clomid and nolvadex at the end of your cycle for about 3 weeks...this will make your boddy start producin its own naturall functions again so you wont lose everything you gained on your cycle
Thanks for the feedback. Will get multivitamin ASAP. Not sure if my buddy can get estrogen blockers, but I did come across a few websites online. Just don't know how legit they are. Same with the clomid and nolvadex. What's the amino acid for?
the amino acids help with muscle recovery and protein break down that also allow your body to absorb more protein and one given time....faster recover= faster mucscle build
Also had major anxiety attacks.. Doc put me on Xanax. Pulse rate has been rather very high. Went to a cardiologist. Heart seems to be Okay. But the test is helping with my psoriasis and arthritis. So some negatives and positives.