First Cycle HELP!! Test E @ 500mg/w


New member
So after lurking for years I've decided to finally do my first cycle. But I now understand that no matter how much I read I realise I still need to read and seek help.

I am going to run test e for 12 weeks. So it'll look like this...

Weeks 1-12 500mg Test E
Weeks 1-12 .25mg arimidex EOD
Weeks 3-12 500iu HCG a week (split)

Weeks 14-18 Clomid 100/50/50/25
Nolva 40/40/20/20

My diet will be 500 over maint. And very clean.

Should I use another AI such as letro or will arimidex be fine? Let me know what you guys think. I will appreciate all advice.
Sorry I should have included that. I'm 25. I'm 6'1. About 185-190. And if I had to guess I'd say 14-15% bf. I've been lifting since I was in highschool but off and on. Been very steady the last couple years and super motivated the last 6 months. No cheat meals. No fast food bs. And I would miss a funeral before I skipped the gym. I'm looking put on as much mass as possible and then cut real nice for summer.
I would like to see you learn how to run a diet before getting on AAS to make sure you can get the benefits of AAS. 185 at 6'1" is pretty small and it isn't like you have a really low BF%. This indicates your not dieting right. Let's see you get to 200-210 Natty before you hop on gear. Then you will know you can reap the benefits of gear.