first cycle help?


New member
Ok guys ima be doing 500mg a week for 12 weeks of test e but i have read like 20 different post and threads bout post cycle therapy (pct) and now im confused bout what to take and when to could someone post a little week 1-14 of how my cycle should look cause im bought to order but i dont know what i need to get lol i just dont wanna mess up my natural production cause i miss read
Weeks 1-12 TestE
Weeks 13-14 Nothing, TestE still active
Week 15-17 Clomid 50/50/50/50 & Nolva 40/40/20/20. Some people will only use Clomid, some will only use Nolva, some will use both.
For me I like to run hcg throughout I have a hard time bouncing back if I don't and I run an Aromatase inhibitor (AI) throughout as well I do this because I know I'll get bad Side effects if I don't
This is what Id do
Hcg 250iu 1-12
Hcg 500iu 12-14
Aromasin 6.25mg Ed 1-14
Clomid 50mg Ed 14-18
That's just me I aromatise quite a bit so I need to run the Aromatase inhibitor (AI) if I dont have hcg going I don't even want to go to the gym a month after my cycle ends. Clomid does the trick for me
For me I like to run hcg throughout I have a hard time bouncing back if I don't and I run an Aromatase inhibitor (AI) throughout as well I do this because I know I'll get bad Side effects if I don't
This is what Id do
Hcg 250iu 1-12
Hcg 500iu 12-14
Aromasin 6.25mg Ed 1-14
Clomid 50mg Ed 14-18
That's just me I aromatise quite a bit so I need to run the Aromatase inhibitor (AI) if I dont have hcg going I don't even want to go to the gym a month after my cycle ends. Clomid does the trick for me

Looks good to me. HCG dosed 2x a week. You could also throw some nolva in there with the clomid to help cover all bases. Nolva 20mg Ed 14-18.

Dont think of your cycle as ending at week 14. Its not over till the cows come home (your natural test production has fully recovered). Blood work is the only way to know for sure. You should consider blood work to help you get the full picture.
look up hcg blasting! id do 500iu everyday from week 12-14 but stopping 4 days before post cycle therapy (pct) some say a lot more like 1000 or 2000 i think thats a little much but look it up!
k thanks alot bros hey one more thing is i keep hearing Clomid causes blurry vision how blurry will it get using only 50mg of it cause i work around machines and wanna be safe then sorry?
k thanks alot bros hey one more thing is i keep hearing Clomid causes blurry vision how blurry will it get using only 50mg of it cause i work around machines and wanna be safe then sorry?
take it at night time before bed..problem solved
For a simple test cycle..use arimidex or aromasin for your Aromatase inhibitor (AI). I needed my aromasin at the end of week 3. Alittle "ichy nips" kicked in. Took 1ed for 5 days then 1eod for a week. Symptoms are gone for now so I stopped. HCG is not really needed for just test, but won't hurt to have it if you want to take it.
clomid/nolva for pct.
I use Human Chorionic Gonadotropin (HCG), but if it is his first cycle he can survive without it, unless he has access to good hcg

as far as Aromatase inhibitor (AI) its better to have one on hand to combat estrogen conversion and related symptoms like gyno , water retention

but you dont need it until a few weeks into cycle and you may not need it all, adex or aromosin

research them both , pick one, and then dose it conservatively ,

for example adex start with .25 ed / .5 eod ... if needed

how is your BF% ?
I use Human Chorionic Gonadotropin (HCG), but if it is his first cycle he can survive without it, unless he has access to good hcg

as far as Aromatase inhibitor (AI) its better to have one on hand to combat estrogen conversion and related symptoms like gyno , water retention

but you dont need it until a few weeks into cycle and you may not need it all, adex or aromosin

research them both , pick one, and then dose it conservatively ,

for example adex start with .25 ed / .5 eod ... if needed

how is your BF% ?

My body fat is aroud 10-12 i think u can see my top two rows of abs and the bottem is a little blurry but what is the chance of permanently shutting down my system for good
of a test e cycle?
For a simple test cycle..use arimidex or aromasin for your Aromatase inhibitor (AI). I needed my aromasin at the end of week 3. Alittle "ichy nips" kicked in. Took 1ed for 5 days then 1eod for a week. Symptoms are gone for now so I stopped. HCG is not really needed for just test, but won't hurt to have it if you want to take it.
clomid/nolva for pct.

Would u recommend the clomid 50/50/50/50 and nolva 40/40/20/20 ?
Yea that post cycle therapy (pct) is probably the most common to run no worries there!
You will not shut your natural test off no worries there ether.
Look into hcg I always run it!