First cycle in years


New member
Well after having a long time off anything been 10+ years did a little bit back in the ole football days of yore. I decided to get on another just for a change of pace I suppose. Guess first fo all stats

Height 6' 1"
Weight 202 12% bf
Benchpress max 375 incline press 320
Squat max 480
deadlift 450

I acually started wanting to just rip up a bit wanting to get down to single digit bf. So got on some Clen as it seems to work wonders on me. But after a day starting thinking of the body parts that are lacking that I want to improve. Such as my delts want them bigger, my back wider, legs bigger, and biceps peakier. I have a great chest extremely strong, great front delts, great tris, and nice lats and traps. Just wanted to bring out my abs, obliques, thicker lats, etc etc. So was told to try the folowing cycle

1-6 weeks tren E 200mg
1-10 weeks test E 500mg
twice a day of aromisin 25mg a day
and then cycleing 2 weeks on 2 weeks off of clen.

taking 2 shots a week one on Mon and one on thurs. This is week 2 of my cycle and this is whats going on so far

Sides noticed

*slight headaches not very often usually if I havent drank enough water.
*slightly oiler skin not bad
*slighty more body hair growth
*slight joint soreness
*water retention (bad)

Current stats

Height unchanged haha
weight 214 (dont like this)
Bench max 390x3 Incline press 360x2
Squat 495x4
Deadlift 460x2

Some lifts have changed dramatically some have gone up slowly my delts,biceps and all have all gained significant size. But even using the aromisin twice a day doesnt seem to get rid of the water retention. The nipples got a little puffier but not bad. I dont mind getting some extra size but really wanted to get more ripped. So is there anything else I can do to get rid of some of this retention??

Also was told I should not run fini while on tren is this true havent started but dont want to do it if it wil be bad. I have slightly thining hair but dont want to lose any more than I have too I use Nizoral and minoxidil daily. Got some fini and was gunna start using it but read somewhere not too. Anyone shed some light on this.

Im a pretty good sized guy anyway an started this all to rip up an was told the testE and tren E would be a good combo to help retain size, gain a bit more lean mass as well as rip up. My diet is clean I eat 5 to 6 small meals a day with a 40/40/20 mix.

Please any suggestions, comments, and thoughts would be much appreciated.
Also the night sweats havent been bad but between the clen and the tren I sweat very easily never did before and I do run out of breath easily. I do cardio 4 times a week 30 to 50 mins on the bike or eliptical, at a med level round 85 to 90 rpms. My heart beat resting is round 102 before it was in the 65-70 range. When I get going gets up too around 155 to 158 which still is good for me. I noticed I did start to have very vivid dreams but have no problem sleeping but the sleep is restless wake up every few hrs but get 6 to 7 a night. I had a loss of interest in sex for a few days but now having sex everyday sometimes more, my erections are very hard and seem to be fuller. Even my woman when she got on top was like "Ummm k does this stuff make u bigger?" I about died laughing.

Another question I had was how long does it take to start to feel all of this REALLY kick in????
6weeks of tren ent? are you sure your not taking tren ace?
also 2weeks in and you gained 12lbs already?
aromasin 2wice a day and your holding water?
something doesnt sound right to me.. its sounds like you have a decent head on your shoulders so im assuming all the side effects youve stated are real so far..
Yes 12 pounds is what I have gained and I havent even been on 2 weeks today was 1 week and 3 days. I am assuming its quite a bit water weight,but I have noticed my delts are much larger as are my biceps, legs dam well everything is bigger, and not just bigger as in watery I mean bigger as in solid. My pumps are harder and my vascularity is getting very good as well. I went and had my bf checked and its went up 1 percent but I am attributing that too I started eating like a horse for the first 5 days I mean I was eating all the time couldnt get enough. Now Im back to stable and eating 6 small clean meals and now feel better. As to the aromisin I have only been on it for 3 days and have shed alotsince I started. I am prone to water retention so I know the test aromization has only made it worse.

An I am sure its tren E not ace I was told 6 weeks would be good
ok as of today i have dropped down too 212.2 so I think the aromasin is starting to kick in an my vascularity is starting to come back.

Was wanting to know some thoughts, insights, and such to what to expect with the tren from those that have used it. I know being that its only been bout week and half that I am not feeling much yet so just wondering what to expect. Also I pretty sore in my right shoulder joint and my left hip any reason for this?? my injections have been on my glutes all 4 times alternating and they all went perfect.

Also stopped taking the tren as of week 2 the sides were not ok with me so stopped it completely
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update time I suppose I am definitely gaining size I have gained an inch and half around my shoulders, an inch on my chest and lats, 3/4 inch on my arms, and 2 inches on my legs. I am weighing in at 216.8 and acually leaning out a bit the water retention is slowly going away, no head aches, sleeping well, and eating great. I havent done maxes again but will on week 4 this is halfway through week 3. I am off cycle of the clen as of mon and will be starting that again in 2 weeks. My strength has gone up pretty nicely, I started getting some tren sides I didnt like so have stopped the tren as of 2 pins ago. Over all feeling pretty good getting my mood swings under control and still irritated easily but trying not to let that transfer on those close to me.
Ok been working on my diet and cleaning it up mre and more increased my protien up too 2 grams per pound and eliminated all crap. That has helped in just too days it seems as my abs are starting to become more pronounced and visable. I am shedding some of the water weight still more to go but not nearly as bad. I went and have my bf tested at my university where they put me in the water tank and going off my last test which was done 3 days before I started my cycle I have gained 12 pounds of lean mass in 3 weeks. Definitely starting to get asked whats going on at the gym cause its very noticable my arms are alot bigger, my chest is HUGE, my back is really starting to flare, and my legs are gaining in size nicely. Weighed in at 217.8 with a 11.6% bf which is also down from 12% even which kinda shocked me considering how much I eat now. But most of it is protien shakes and fiber lol. My strength seems to be going nicely and I will be doing some maxxing sometime this week an report back.
Well decided it was time to do an update as I have not done so in weeks lol. I currently am at 221 still with a 12% bodyfat. My bench has gone too just over 415 pounds for 2 reps without a spotter, incline has skyrocketed to an amazing 385 for 3 reps. My lats have gained some size, as have my arms, shoulders, legs and such. Getting more vascular as well not holding so much water either. I am still just on test E but changed too a shot every 3 days to keeps levels consistant. Making my weekly dose acually around 625mg instead of the 500 I was getting a week doing a twice a week pin. But I recently found a better source of test E an ea amp is 300mg versus the 250mg I was taking. I will keep my same pinning of every 3 days but at this dose will up my weekly too 750mg an is suppose to be a better brand of test. Im on week 10 an thinking of going 16 weeks total of test E and thinking of adding a lil dbol for the last 8 weeks.