first cycle + issue


New member
already posted a first cycle thread and was given the green by a couple guys but something changed so im editing it and letting you know my issue

age: 21
height: 5'10
Weight: 177
BF%: 16

week 1-12: test prop, 100mg eod
week 1-3: tbol, 45mg ed (all i have on me, figured i might as well use it)
week 1-14: arimidex .25mg eod

Clomiphene (clomid) 50/50/50/50
Tamoxifen (Novladex) 40/40/20/20


originally was planning test e not prop.
and im going on a cruise mid summer and wont be able to pin for a full week. the e wouldnt have been a big deal i was just going to double the dose and pin the day i depart but with the prop im worried if its going to impact me with my test going up and down.

and also thinking of dropping the tbol since the prop is going to start fast anyway.

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First, if you find prop that's 250mg/ml I am willing to bet it's going to be some painful stuff! You will also need to inject it at LEAST EOD or M-W-F as the ester is much shorter than that of enanthate/cypionate. If it's not too late, I would definitely stick to test E/C as a week break won't kill you too much, but would present a bigger problem if on prop. For a first cycle, I would just hang onto the tbol and save it for your next cycle as you want to know how you react to test first.

Otherwise, it looks like you've been doing your homework and have your cycle pretty much nailed down. :)

My .02c :p
First, if you find prop that's 250mg/ml I am willing to bet it's going to be some painful stuff! You will also need to inject it at LEAST EOD or M-W-F as the ester is much shorter than that of enanthate/cypionate. If it's not too late, I would definitely stick to test E/C as a week break won't kill you too much, but would present a bigger problem if on prop. For a first cycle, I would just hang onto the tbol and save it for your next cycle as you want to know how you react to test first.

Otherwise, it looks like you've been doing your homework and have your cycle pretty much nailed down. :)

My .02c :p

my bad! i copied and pasted my test e post and forgot to edit that part! fixed now. 100mg eod

anyway, i wanted e but my friend accidentally ordered me prop since he got prop... and there goes my money so im broke with prop on hand lol

do you think i should save and just buy test e next week and keep the prop/tbol for a later cycle?
but with test e im really going to want that tbol since its going to take 3 weeks to kick in... hmmm
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That makes it a pretty mild cycle, but I'm sure you'll see some benefit from it. You will be hurting a little as you'll miss a week's worth while on the cruise, but I'm sure it won't kill you. You likely won't even notice it until you get back as you'd still have hormones in you from the week prior.
right. i could just buy e and save the prop for later...

and yeah ive been thinking of upping the prop to 150 eod, but my buddies assure me that 100 is enough...
right. i could just buy e and save the prop for later...

and yeah ive been thinking of upping the prop to 150 eod, but my buddies assure me that 100 is enough...
It's up to you if you want to run E or prop, but keep in mind some folks (like me) just can't handle the ester. I can inject upwards of 4ml of oil into a single muscle of just about anything BUT prop. Stuff makes me feel like a little girl, lol. 300mg a week can be enough to grow, but I like to start at 500mg+/- personally.

Then again, unlike most things in life - AAS is one of those that more isn't necessarily better. :)
thanks for the advice lol. i think im going to try and get my hands on 12 weeks worth of e and do 500 a week. thatll solve a lot of problems including my vacation. got everything else on hand though just waiting to figure out if i can get e.
You don't have to be afraid of the prop but I don't see a point to a prop only cycle so definitely wait for the test e and run that alone. Save the prop for later, you'll use it don't worry.

Once on prop (later) you can consider pinning daily, it will keep blood levels a little more even and SHOULD reduce sides but I don't have real experience with that yet. I'm on my first prop run with tren and have only been pinning daily for 4 days so I hope my research is right.