First cycle. Need advice!


New member
I'm 25, 80kg, 180cm and around 10% bf. currently consuming 2600-2900 calories per day. been training for 4 years now and am looking to start my first cycle. On hand I have..
Renvex Labs Sustanon-300

I was planning on using 500mg of Sus per week for 12 weeks.
Planning on using the Anavar towards the end of the cycle.

Was after some advice regarding my cycle.
Should I have anything else on hand before I start the cycle? (HCG or any other pct)
How should I run my PCT and what week should I start it?
How and when should I use the Anavar?
Is HCG a must have?
What sort of results can I expect from a cycle like this?

Any advice would be greatly appreciated :)
Run the sust only. Pct clomid nolva 2 weeks after last pin. Run hcg throughout at 500 iu every WK. You need an AI run adex at .25 EOD up until pct
If your wanting to run var, you can add that in weeks 7-12... Also keep in mind that there are short esters in sustanon and you'll want to pin that eod to maintain steady levels