First Cycle of Test Enanthate 250


New member
So im about to start my first cycle of test, and i would like as much input as possible. Currently at the moment i have one kidney so i am definitly keeping this in mind. So this being said I will be trying to start my first cycle with as much safety precautions as i am aware of at the moment.

After reading countless articles and forums i came across one article that i took interest in. Let me know what you guys think. I would love to know anything i don't already know

Week 1-10: I will be taking 400-500mg test enanthate per week
Week 11: 300 mg test enanthate
Week 12: 200 mg test enanthate

During this cycle i will taking fincar a day for every 500 mg i use to prevent both prostate enlargment and hair loss. I will also be taking a quarter of a Arimidex 1mg tablet per day per 500 mg of test i use (GYNO PREVENTION). For testicular shutdown i would be using Clomid 25 mg tablets per day per 500mg i use.

Other things i will be using for my condition will be milk thistle to filter my liver and cranberry extract to flush out my kidney. As for blood flow and all that business i will be taking L-Arginine.

If anybody has any input on this remedy, let me know if im on the right track

Current Stats
Height 6'5
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Welcome to ology!

You're Still young bro, too young for gear IMO BUT I'll see if I can help.

Your dose of test looks good wk 1-10 but I wouldn't taper at the end. Either just stop at wk 10 or run 500mg til wk 12. It's better to keep blood levels even and tapering is pretty old school and unnecessary.

You got your Aromatase inhibitor (AI) so you're g2g there. You can bump it to .5mg Ed if needed. I'd use aromasin personally because you don't have to taper down to prevent estro rebound. Make sure you run it all the way through post cycle therapy (pct).

Clomid during your cycle isn't going to keep your nuts working. You need hcg 250iu's 2x's a wk or you can blast 500iu's a day the day after your last test pin til 4 days before you start post cycle therapy (pct). Use your clomid for post cycle therapy (pct) which should look like 50/50/50/50 (50mg Ed for 4 wks) starting 14 days after your last test pin.

Milk thistle is garbage and won't protect your liver btw.

You might look more into hcg as far as your kidney goes. I'm not sure if it effects your kidneys at all. I'm not an hcg expert and still learning about it myself but I'm sure cobra strike or someone else would have an answer for you.
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Liv52 for your liver. Cranberry is so mild unless dosed very high, but it would be expensive to even bother with. Lots of water helps flush liver too.
@Colt the only reason i wanted stay on clomid was just for safety reasons and because through reading a couple of articles i came across the amount of weight lost coming off a cycle because of the drastic change of testosterone levels. But i guess in a sense if i starting while starting test my body would become immune to it, and the when it does come down to pct my reaction towards the product wont be that effective yeah? or no

So for my condition your suggesting aromasin instead of arimidex as well as Human Chorionic Gonadotropin (HCG), and clomid for all counters ? I would just like a safe, steady start with the least amount of side affects to both my kidney and my body while attaining good gains
Clomid is a serm and used in post cycle therapy (pct) to help restart your natty test. During a cycle it's useless. Run hcg the entire cycle to keep your boys working. You should recover just fine if you do that. Aromasin for your Aromatase inhibitor (AI), hcg entire cycle, clomid and aromasin post cycle therapy (pct). You'll be good bro.

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Only Problem with HCG and Aromasin is that its going to be hard to come by......Are there any reliable sites out there that sell this at a reasonable price. Not about to get scammed i know how that goes
@NINJA like he said its useless....I Take thistle just because its more of a mind set thing than anything....Being safe is key for me
Aromasin isn't hard to come by bro. Try The hcg really isn't either. One of our sponsors has it but I can't tell you which you'zzzzzzz gotta look for it (just the rules and I can't pm you) you'll be glad you got it.
So i checked out that reference and i cannot seem to find the Aromasin.....I do see Anastrozole which is Arimidex, but do not know if its the right one...Also is it better to get injectable or oral form of this substance?
@ Nate keep I'n mind I have one kidney so I think even with injectable Aromatase inhibitor (AI) it will be less stressful on my kidney.... Whereas with oral ur kidney is directly filtering the substance
Updated cycle: So About to start my cycle soon, Should be ordering gear in about 4-5 days, I will be ordering test 250, Human Chorionic Gonadotropin (HCG) 5000ius, clomid, and aromasin. Cycle looks something like this. Feedback would be much appreciated

Week 1-10: I will be taking 400-500mg test enanthate per week
Week 1-10: Will be taking Human Chorionic Gonadotropin (HCG) 500iu one same days as shots (MON,THURS)
PCT:Will be taking 50/50/50/50 clomid starting 14 days after your last test pin.
As for the Aromasin i would like some advice on the dosage and when the right to start would be
Updated cycle: So About to start my cycle soon, Should be ordering gear in about 4-5 days, I will be ordering test 250, Human Chorionic Gonadotropin (HCG) 5000ius, clomid, and aromasin. Cycle looks something like this. Feedback would be much appreciated

Week 1-10: I will be taking 400-500mg test enanthate per week
Week 1-10: Will be taking Human Chorionic Gonadotropin (HCG) 500iu one same days as shots (MON,THURS)
PCT:Will be taking 50/50/50/50 clomid starting 14 days after your last test pin.
As for the Aromasin i would like some advice on the dosage and when the right to start would be

looks good, i believe most dose at 12.5 mg eod or ed as needed, dont start using it until you have signs of too much estro
Liquid AI's are not injectible. They are oral and not methylated so no worries about liver damage. Do not inject aromisin