First Cycle Question for newbie


New member
Alright guys I know this probably gets old.. but ive been reading on this stuff for months and get some many conflicting ideas.. So now im just going to ask..

So for my first cycle I want to take:

1-12 Test Enanthate 500mg/WK
1-12 Primobolan Enanthate 300MG/WK

So my first question is: Pimo is kind of expensive, but it sounds like it is more of a mild AAS with lower chance for side effects? Do I really need to stack primo in my first cycle or would just trying test E and seeing how my body reacts to it be good? If I do go with primo, wouldn't I need a higher dose than 300mg/wk or is that going to do the trick? what about switching the two dosages I have above?

Other ideas: Would it be better to try something like masteron? equipoise? winstrol? to stack with my Test E and if so what dosages would you recommend?

For PCT I really feel like HCG is a good way to go.. either the last few weeks of a cycle or for sure post cycle. what do you guys think of this? If im to go with HCG, does it have to be the subQ injectable or does oral work?

Please help.
Hey brother, im going to say a few things that your bound to hear as responses from your post.
age ? Weight? How long training? Bf%
For first cycle run only test, dont get complicated with combining. As far as pct you will get good advice here. Im on trt so when i blast i just go back to trt cruise.
hCG should be used on cycle, not during PCT. It is suppressive to your HPTA.

Have you read the sticky threads yet. And please answer Satchmo's question so we can tailor our advice to you.
6'4, 200lbs. Played div 1 football...5 years lifting exp. worth logging. 15% body fat.

So just thinking out loud, if test E surprises ur natural test and HCG increases ur natural test.. Isn't that kinda conflicting? Oh and I'm 25 years old
6'4, 200lbs. Played div 1 football...5 years lifting exp. worth logging. 15% body fat.

So just thinking out loud, if test E surprises ur natural test and HCG increases ur natural test.. Isn't that kinda conflicting? Oh and I'm 25 years old

Yes, definitely conflicting.

hCG just keeps a trickle of natural testosterone going while you are on cycle. The key is that this helps minimize the amount of testicular atrophy that you will experience. Less atrophy means a quicker recover during PCT.
I would recommend using only test as well. Believe me, first time...u will be very happy with the results