First cycle questions.

Angry Mike

New member
Hi, I'm new to these forums, although I have looked around the site a little before. Some basic info about me, I'll be turning 26 in a few months, I'm 5'9" @ 190. I've been doing some research and I have decided that I would like to do my first ever cycle with some Helladrol. My cycle will look something like this:


1-6: Helladrol - 50/50/75/75/75/75
1-6: N2Guard + a 2 week pre-load
3-10: Forma Stanzol
1-10: Creatine
1-10: Fish oil


7-10: Nolva - 40/40/20/20
7-10: HcGenerate
7-10: Forged post cycle??

The questions I have are would you change the weeks for the Forma Stanzol, what would you change it to and why? Also, would something like Forged post cycle be necessary with the HcGenerate and Nolva? Would you change anything about my post cycle therapy (pct)? Last but not least, would it be worthwhile to run the HcGenerate weeks 3-10 to maybe make the transition from on cycle to PCT a little smoother?

Thanks in advance for any input!
HcGenerate is not necessary. It's a mild PH and recovery is easy. Also if you do plan on running it then use it on cycle.
HcGenerate is not necessary. It's a mild PH and recovery is easy. Also if you do plan on running it then use it on cycle.

Since I will already be on the Forma Stanzol, do you think I could get away with just serm + forma? Also, I don't know if i'll use the HcGenerate at all. I'll probably just keep some on hand in case of testicular atrophy.