First Cycle - Some advice


New member
Hi lads,

I am new to AAS and before I start my first cycle, I want to make sure I am going to do this right and have all my facts correct.

I am 33 years old, body fat 15% work out 4 day per week - Chest/Biceps, Back/Triceps, Shoulders/Biceps and Legs/Triceps.

I was going to do a test only cycle of Test E, 400 mgs per week for 10 weeks. post cycle therapy (pct) with Clomid or Nolvadex for 4 weeks and if I start to develop Gyno I was going to use Letrozole.

My diet is as follows:

*Meal 1:
2 cups of Oatmeal, 2 full eggs, 5 egg whites and orange juice.

*Meal 2 & 4*

100 grams of Brown rice, boiled chicken breast, mixed salad with olive oil

*Meal 3*

Tuna, 1 cup of green veg, brown pasta

*Meal 5 Post Workout*

Protein shake, banana, Peanut Butter

*Meal 6*

Cottage cheese & can of Tuna

I take multi vits, Udo's oil, creatine and BCAAs during the day.

I hope to put on between 5Kg to 10Kg by the end.

Please feel free to share you advise and constructive criticism!!

Thanks lads!!
Younggun is 19 years old and has never run AAS so don't listen to this advice. Dont fucking give advice when you don't have the knowledge. Your post about the cycle you want to run shows it...besides the fact that your way too young. To the OP, You need to have adex or aromasin instead of letro for on cycle. Otherwise cycle looks ok. If it were me I would do 500mg for 12 weeks but if thats what you want to do its ok. How much do you weigh? You may want to post that diet in the diet section to get some feedback on that.
Younggun is 19 years old and has never run AAS so don't listen to this advice. Dont fucking give advice when you don't have the knowledge. Your post about the cycle you want to run shows it...besides the fact that your way too young. To the OP, You need to have adex or aromasin instead of letro for on cycle. Otherwise cycle looks ok. If it were me I would do 500mg for 12 weeks but if thats what you want to do its ok. How much do you weigh? You may want to post that diet in the diet section to get some feedback on that.

agreed^^ and what are ALL of your stats? and u need a leg day man.
sorry i see u have legs. if your workout is good for you, continue it i guess. but that entire workout is not my cup of tea, monday = chest/tris, tuesday = off, wednesday = back/ bis, thursday = shoulders/traps, friday = legs, saturday = cardio. works great for me, but everyone is different. sometimes on saturdays i circuit everything with light weight
Thanks for the reply Lads,

Frazier512, my Stats are as follows:

Age 33, Height 6 ft 3, Weight 97 KG or 213 Lbs Body fat 15%

Matt W, I include core work for 15 min at the end of each workout and for my lower back I do dead lifting and hyperextensions on back days.

I have always done arms twice a week, no one has ever said anything about it but, I am here for advise and help and to learn!!