New member
Hi lads,
I am new to AAS and before I start my first cycle, I want to make sure I am going to do this right and have all my facts correct.
I am 33 years old, body fat 15% work out 4 day per week - Chest/Biceps, Back/Triceps, Shoulders/Biceps and Legs/Triceps.
I was going to do a test only cycle of Test E, 400 mgs per week for 10 weeks. post cycle therapy (pct) with Clomid or Nolvadex for 4 weeks and if I start to develop Gyno I was going to use Letrozole.
My diet is as follows:
*Meal 1:
2 cups of Oatmeal, 2 full eggs, 5 egg whites and orange juice.
*Meal 2 & 4*
100 grams of Brown rice, boiled chicken breast, mixed salad with olive oil
*Meal 3*
Tuna, 1 cup of green veg, brown pasta
*Meal 5 Post Workout*
Protein shake, banana, Peanut Butter
*Meal 6*
Cottage cheese & can of Tuna
I take multi vits, Udo's oil, creatine and BCAAs during the day.
I hope to put on between 5Kg to 10Kg by the end.
Please feel free to share you advise and constructive criticism!!
Thanks lads!!
I am new to AAS and before I start my first cycle, I want to make sure I am going to do this right and have all my facts correct.
I am 33 years old, body fat 15% work out 4 day per week - Chest/Biceps, Back/Triceps, Shoulders/Biceps and Legs/Triceps.
I was going to do a test only cycle of Test E, 400 mgs per week for 10 weeks. post cycle therapy (pct) with Clomid or Nolvadex for 4 weeks and if I start to develop Gyno I was going to use Letrozole.
My diet is as follows:
*Meal 1:
2 cups of Oatmeal, 2 full eggs, 5 egg whites and orange juice.
*Meal 2 & 4*
100 grams of Brown rice, boiled chicken breast, mixed salad with olive oil
*Meal 3*
Tuna, 1 cup of green veg, brown pasta
*Meal 5 Post Workout*
Protein shake, banana, Peanut Butter
*Meal 6*
Cottage cheese & can of Tuna
I take multi vits, Udo's oil, creatine and BCAAs during the day.
I hope to put on between 5Kg to 10Kg by the end.
Please feel free to share you advise and constructive criticism!!
Thanks lads!!