First Cycle - Test Cypionate 500 mg / week - Feedback Appreciated


New member
Age = 28 yrs
Height = 6 feet
Weight = 195 lbs
Years of Lifting = 13 yrs consistently (pretty much religiously)

I was diagnosed with low testosterone a year back and my urologist prescribed Androgel. I was taking 10 mg a day and it was working great but after about a year I stopped reaping the benefits and the gains leveled off. Worse off I kept getting acne on my face. Now I'm completely off of Androgel and my urologist suggested that she would inject me with 200 mg of Test Cyp every other week to keep my test levels at a normal range.

I decided not to go that route because it would basically be a lifetime thing. I have no problem living with low testosterone except its harder for me to make gains in the gym. I want to do a cycle:

Weeks 1-12: Test Cyp 500 mg/week (inject 250 mg twice a week)
Arimidex 0.25mg - 0.5mg (I actually have the Anastrazole tablets at 1mg and they're so small I have no idea how I'm going to break it into 1/4 to get 0.25 mg)

2 weeks after last pin:
Clomid - 50 mg everyday for 4 weeks
Nolvadex - 20 mg everyday for 4 weeks

I read somewhere that I should take 250 IU of Human Chorionic Gonadotropin (HCG) every other day to keep my balls functioning while on cycle and stop it one week after my last injection.

Also does anybody know how bad the acne will be if I take 500 mg/week? I know different people respond differently but I'm hoping it will be better than Androgel since I was applying it twice a day and really aggravated my acne.
Age = 28 yrs
Height = 6 feet
Weight = 195 lbs
Years of Lifting = 13 yrs consistently (pretty much religiously)

I was diagnosed with low testosterone a year back and my urologist prescribed Androgel. I was taking 10 mg a day and it was working great but after about a year I stopped reaping the benefits and the gains leveled off. Worse off I kept getting acne on my face. Now I'm completely off of Androgel and my urologist suggested that she would inject me with 200 mg of test cyp every other week to keep my test levels at a normal range.

I decided not to go that route because it would basically be a lifetime thing. I have no problem living with low testosterone except its harder for me to make gains in the gym. I want to do a cycle:

Weeks 1-12: test cyp 500 mg/week (inject 250 mg twice a week)
Arimidex 0.25mg - 0.5mg (I actually have the Anastrazole tablets at 1mg and they're so small I have no idea how I'm going to break it into 1/4 to get 0.25 mg)

2 weeks after last pin:
clomid - 50 mg everyday for 4 weeks
Nolvadex - 20 mg everyday for 4 weeks

I read somewhere that I should take 250 IU of Human Chorionic Gonadotropin (HCG) every other day to keep my balls functioning while on cycle and stop it one week after my last injection.

Also does anybody know how bad the acne will be if I take 500 mg/week? I know different people respond differently but I'm hoping it will be better than Androgel since I was applying it twice a day and really aggravated my acne.