First Cycle - Test e 500mg


New member
Hey guys I just did my first pin today and I am going to be tracking my progress on this thread as well as seeking advice should a problem arise. I'm 24 and I've been lifting on and off since high school. However, I've always lost motivation when I didn't have any gains in a month or so. Safe to say I'm a hardgainer. I've accumulated an adequate knowledge of steroids and decided to give them a try. I was lucky enough to have a painless first pin in my left thigh today. Here is my plan:

-500mg/wk test e 12 weeks
-Aromasin on hand to combat estrogen sides
-PCT: Nolva 20/20/20/20 Clomid 50/50/50/50

Basic Stats:
Age- 24
Height- 6'2
Weight- 162lbs (I'm skinny I know)
Diet- 3600-4000 calories, 200-230g protein, roughly 15-20% fat
Training- Day 1:Bis and Back, Day 2: Tris and Chest, Day 3: Shoulders and Legs, Day 4: Active Rest

-Increase strength substantially
-Keep most gains

Any advice is greatly appreciated, thanks.
Don't wait to use the aromasin, estrogen will rise and sides may not always show.

I think you should've held off on the AAS until you had your diet down solid. I believe it to be your limiting factor here. What is your TDEE and diet like? I hope you understand the importance of nutrition. Steroids without nutrition is like a Ferrari without tires. The rest of the cycle looks pretty good but get that diet in check fast.
Should I take a low dose of the aromasin throughout the cycle to keep the sides curbs? I was planning on using it only at the slightest hints of sides but I guess that may not be the best idea. Yes from everything I've researched I think most people agree that a proper diet is the key factor in making gains aas or no aas. Anyway my TDEE is about 2700 but I believe it to be much higher than that due to a very fast metabolism. I eat about 6 meals throughout the day and a protein shake after lifting. I stick to things like oatmeal, peanut butter sandwiches(lots of these), cold cuts, fish, clif bars, nuts, chicken, steak, etc. I'm trying to keep a clean and balanced diet on the cycle and am going to eat a lot of fruit in between meals just for piece of mind with vitamin/mineral levels.
Should I take a low dose of the aromasin throughout the cycle to keep the sides curbs? I was planning on using it only at the slightest hints of sides but I guess that may not be the best idea. Yes from everything I've researched I think most people agree that a proper diet is the key factor in making gains aas or no aas. Anyway my TDEE is about 2700 but I believe it to be much higher than that due to a very fast metabolism. I eat about 6 meals throughout the day and a protein shake after lifting. I stick to things like oatmeal, peanut butter sandwiches(lots of these), cold cuts, fish, clif bars, nuts, chicken, steak, etc. I'm trying to keep a clean and balanced diet on the cycle and am going to eat a lot of fruit in between meals just for piece of mind with vitamin/mineral levels.

I'd recommend starting off around 12.5mg/ED for the aromasin. Instead of trying to fix the problem after it happens, take care of it pre-emptively. You may not get sides that manifest but your estrogen could stil, be sky high. Go to the diet section and post up your full stats, TDEE, macros and calorie intake all g with a sample diet menu. Ill give you my critique on it and that way a lot more ppl will see it and give their inputs. 3J specifically is the diet section mod and his input is always welcomed in my opinion.
I'd recommend starting off around 12.5mg/ED for the aromasin. Instead of trying to fix the problem after it happens, take care of it pre-emptively. You may not get sides that manifest but your estrogen could stil, be sky high. Go to the diet section and post up your full stats, TDEE, macros and calorie intake all g with a sample diet menu. Ill give you my critique on it and that way a lot more ppl will see it and give their inputs. 3J specifically is the diet section mod and his input is always welcomed in my opinion.

Yeah I guess that makes more sense. Better safe than sorry. Will do though I should be able to get around to that tomorrow. Thanks for the input.
No problem man. And for the diet section to save us a lot of time and headaches make sure to include EVERYTHING pertinent. Age, height, weight, BF estimate, TDEE (BMR x activity factor), your proposed total caloric and macronutrient intake, a sample day's diet or two broken down with macros and calories and the totals for the day. This way you'll save time instead of getting asked for it lol.
Did my second pin on Monday in my right quad and it didn't go as smoothly as the first. My workouts have been great and my muscles have already hardened up and I've noticed an increase in size already in my chest and arms. Although I'm sure some of it is just placebo I don't mind haha. I've had a lot more confidence with everything which is good although today I experienced some heart pain for about an hour. Nothing too bad but definitely noticeable. I looked it up and concluded I may have nicked a vein and gotten some of the test in it. Can anybody verify?
The test ends up in your bloodstream no matter what. Highly doubtful it would have caused heart pain... I injected pretty much clear into a vein once, got a head rush and coughed for a bit, but no heart issue. But do keep an eye on that though, if you continue to experience prolonged pains or frequent palpitations, it would be a good idea to get it checked out.
Did my second pin on Monday in my right quad and it didn't go as smoothly as the first. My workouts have been great and my muscles have already hardened up and I've noticed an increase in size already in my chest and arms. Although I'm sure some of it is just placebo I don't mind haha. I've had a lot more confidence with everything which is good although today I experienced some heart pain for about an hour. Nothing too bad but definitely noticeable. I looked it up and concluded I may have nicked a vein and gotten some of the test in it. Can anybody verify?

running my first cycle of teste/tbol, will be following your progress brother, post some pics

good luck!
Ocdude - thanks that's reassuring. I guess it's unrelated.

mckic07 - Good luck to you too! I'll watch your progress as well and will do
Did my second pin on Monday in my right quad and it didn't go as smoothly as the first. My workouts have been great and my muscles have already hardened up and I've noticed an increase in size already in my chest and arms. Although I'm sure some of it is just placebo I don't mind haha. I've had a lot more confidence with everything which is good although today I experienced some heart pain for about an hour. Nothing too bad but definitely noticeable. I looked it up and concluded I may have nicked a vein and gotten some of the test in it. Can anybody verify?

Aspirate before you inject. If you see blood you're probably in a vein.
I've been on my cycle for just about 2 weeks now and I've noticed pretty good gains in strength and a weight gain of about 5 lbs. My size hasn't jumped too much although I have noticed some gains. I'm probably just being impatient but I just want to make sure i'm doing all I can to get the most out of the cycle. My diet is in check and so are my workouts. Is my progress so far relatively average for someone like myself?
Yes. It'll take several weeks before you really notice the effects start to kick in full force
Exactly 3 weeks into my cycle. So far I've gained 8.5lbs and have increased my strength a good amount. I've been taking 12.5mg of aromasin EOD because I was getting nervous about gyno. I have a little bump on my right nipple. It's not too noticeable and its not hard but it's weird. Not really sure what it could be.
Haven't posted in over a month due to a busy schedule. However, my weight is up to 183.5 and I bumped up to 600mg ew about 2 weeks ago. My gains have started to slow and my strength hasn't increased as much as id have liked but I guess there is still time. Sides include acne on shoulders, some back and chest, excessive body hair growth on entire upper body, and noticeably increased aggression/irritability. I've become addicted to the gym and haven't taken a day off in about 3 weeks. My confidence in everything I do has improved so much and I don't want to get off this cycle haha. Overall, i'm happy with my progress so far and am definitely going to run a second cycle as soon as it is safe.
Did my last pin on Monday. Officially off the juice. Strength gains are enormous, weight went from 162 to 192, a 30lb fuckin gain of mostly muscle. Couldn't be happier with the results except for the back/shoulder/chest acne and hair growth on back and shoulders. Also, experienced a minor receding hair line but contained it. However, today I noticed what is either excess fat tissue or breast tissue on my chest. No lumps under the nipples or anything though. Will be starting pct in 10 days and will post how much weight I keep. Great journey.
Did my last pin on Monday. Officially off the juice. Strength gains are enormous, weight went from 162 to 192, a 30lb fuckin gain of mostly muscle. Couldn't be happier with the results except for the back/shoulder/chest acne and hair growth on back and shoulders. Also, experienced a minor receding hair line but contained it. However, today I noticed what is either excess fat tissue or breast tissue on my chest. No lumps under the nipples or anything though. Will be starting pct in 10 days and will post how much weight I keep. Great journey.

The weight you gained is not mostly muscle. It's mostly water and glycogen and some of it is fat and muscle. Good luck with pct.
Hi alphaprez, nice to here that the first cycle went so good for you.
Im also considering to do my first cycle, so I was more interested if you can give me some more details on the sides
u had during the cycle? You wrote some excessive body hair and acne all over upper body, but was also curious If there was some bone density changes. Like I know people doing more cycles reported having increase in bone sizes(like bigger feet, hands, head bones etc).
Also you said increased aggression/irritability, wore there any other neural effects? like headaches or so...this neural effects usually are related to anxiety.

So keep us posting how all the PCT went, Im curious dose all this side went away and where will your body weight stabilize..
Good luck mate
I'm on first cycle too buddy! Hope all is going well. Make sure your doing your research!

I would probably drop the nolva and add Human Chorionic Gonadotropin (HCG) to your post cycle therapy (pct). Make sure your eating...AlOT. Count macros. And take an Aromatase inhibitor (AI) tru out your whole cycle and pct