First Cycle - Test E. Advice is appreciated


New member
So here's some background info: Started lifting 4.5 years ago at 19 years old. Weighed 140 lbs. Started powerlifting (multiply) after about a year/year and a half. Got up to 220 lbs naturally after 3 years but had the iconic powerlifter look, big ass/hammies, bloated no chest and shoulders. So, in september I hung up the squat suit and realized it was time to pursue why I originally started lifting, to get as big as humanly or chemically possible. Graduated from college and got my diet on track instead of the 365 days a year dirty bulk. Currently macros are: 400 g Carbs/350 g protein/100 g fat on training days 250 g Carbs/300 g protein/130 g fat on non, havent had a cheat meal besides couple plates of sushi since September. I have been adjusting the macros as I dropped down to 195 and am now sitting at 205 leaner than Ive ever been in my life and was able to add 1 inch on my arm in 6 months, 1 inch on my legs, chest and delts are drastically better.

Started running my first cycle 3 weeks ago tomorrow:

Weeks 1-10: Test E 250 mg E3D
Weeks 12-16: Clomid 50/50/50/50 Nolva 40/40/20/20

With Forma and Arimidex on hand

The test is homebrewed from a friend of a friend which made me skeptical but I know a lot of people that use this source and have only heard good things, even several people preferring it over their pharm grade source. Still, I have (what I think) is the website for Pinnacle labs that a friend gave me as another option. I've been reading on here for several months so next cycle I hope to try out a respected UGL lab.

Sitting 3 weeks (6 pins done, every Sunday morning and Wed evening, 7th pin is tomorrow) in right now and I gained 4 pounds, no apparent water weight gain. Noticed vascularity difference and libidio spiked a bit after 2 weeks. PIP wasnt too bad, hit me after about 9-12 hours and the next 24 hours after that I was limping around, switched to 25 gauge pins for glutes as the 22s left me with some soreness. 25 I pinned with on Wed and it was super smooth, nothing beyond mild. Using 4 injection sites--glutes and quads. Prefer quads just because i'm not flexible but the 25 gauge besides being slow to inject was very easy. My only real concern is I have either a underdosed vial (hard to believe since I had a seasoned veteran in this game give it to me who i trust and he said it was fine) or most likely I screwed up the first couple draws and now im a little off. Or me just eyeballing what is left in the vial is completely right and i'm being overly skeptical. I'll post a pic for your expert opinions.

Appreciate reading my rant and any advice, good or bad, please post and let me know.
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Here's where Im at now: So I should have 4 ml left in the used one and personally that doesnt look like it so im considering buying another vial and running the cycle to 12 weeks and making sure nothing is underdosed but I would love someones opinion on how to handle this or if that looks pretty accurate based on how many pins ive used out of it.

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Guy, your running your pct thru your whole cycle? Don't do that... Save nolva and clomid for 2 weeks after your last pin. Run an Aromatase inhibitor (AI) during cycle.. u sure your gear is test e homebrew? I'm thinking it might be prop.. could be wrong tho...
Edit- sorry about that.. I now see that's a 12 not a 1.. I thought it said 1-16! My bad lol
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Haha not a problem. Honestly, I trust the gear, I have no way of basing that off anything but I trust my source but in the future I will definitely be using a different source just to compare. As far as the weight gain, to be completely honest Im not big on tracking status by weight gain. When I was powerlifting all I cared about was if my scale was moving. I didnt step on a scale once since September before the start of my cycle because I think the mirror is a better judge, but that's me. I did weigh myself before my cycle and a couple days ago and I was at 209 from 205.

Rookie question here: whats the best way to see how many mLs are left in that vial? Draw it out?
Well, if u got 10cc in an unopened jug, half of that would be 5cc. That jug in the pic looks a lil low to me. I always get extra gear and what not encased shit happens..
Yea I made sure to have absolutely everything on hand first but naive me didnt take the possibility of being underfilled or losing some gear into it, Ill probably just pick up another one and run it 12 weeks. Appreciate it.
Just did my first pin of week 4. Left glute. Not flexible at all so the syringe was moving a good bit. I was having the problem of when aspirating the syringe would move too. Oh well, oil went in, just have a feeling this ones going to be sore haha.

More importantly, diet's been solid, manipulating timing of my carbs to see how that affects me. I try to move as many carbs to around my workout as possible which is 7 pm during the week after I work, and weekends are at 4 pm. Carbs in the morning make me feel like shit so I've been doing 8 oz of steak and 4 free range eggs cooked in coconut oil. Then a whey iso shake with 2 cups unsweetened almond milk. Carbs have been steady at 400 g on training days, added another 4 egg meal at night after my postworkout meal which is 12 oz grass fed beef 2 cups rice and tbsp of raw honey. Eating the eggs with 2-4 slices of ezekiel bread depending on what i had that day.

Hitting back today, last couple weeks have felt off with back so I moved my days around and now training it on Sunday when I dont work. Feeling good, just picked up 30 lbs of steak from my butcher yesterday. Lasts me a month give or take a couple days.

Any advice on keeping the syringe steady doing glute injections would be appreciated. Considering moving more towards the outside instead of the syringe being at a 45 degree angle if that makes any sense. probably not.
On week 4, starting to feel better in the gym. Strength is starting to go up but notice a higher tolerance for high rep sets that used to put me on my ass. Weights at 205. Here's a picture from today, 100 g of carbs in me at this point and no pump. I didnt train today. Obviously nothing too impressive but definitely better than I was 4 weeks ago. Will post a before pic and leg pic next time Im at my computer. Quads are definitely a weakness after only doing wide box squats since I started lifting. Really focusing on bringing them up

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