First Cycle test e and dbol


New member
Hey guys I'm 20 years old 6' 200 pounds eat around 4000 calories a day. Gonna run a 10 week test e cycle inject 250 mg twice a week (should I frontload test e?). Gonna take 30 mg of dbol Ed for the first 4 weeks of cycle. Gonna run Letro .5mg three times a week during cycle to prevent gyno. I was thinking of arimedix but they cost the same and I'm just gonna take really low doses of Letro. (what are the sides of Letro?) not a hundred percent sure onpct but I'm thinking clomid two weeks after pin 150/150/100/100/50 but I've heard 5 week pct is too long. I kno people add nolvadex but is it mandatory? (kind of on a budget). And I know I need Human Chorionic Gonadotropin (HCG) but I'm a little confused cause everybody says different shit About it.
I workout five days a week mon: chest/tri. Tues:back/bi/ shoulders/forearms wed: legs and lower back thurs:rep mon. Friday: rep Tuesday. I take a multi vitamin fish oil and kre alkalyn. (also what should I run during cycle to prevent bloat? Milk thistle?)
Preciate any feedback
No you don't need to front load it. 250mg 2x a week is good. I would start ur letro at .25 e3d and then go from there. It is very powerful..the most powerful Aromatase inhibitor (AI) you can get..some people have trpuble with it cuz it just crashes their estrogen. So dose low and adjust as needed.
The pct I always recommend is NOVA and CLOMID. Nova 40/40/20/20 clomid 100/100/50/50(or 50/50/50/50, some people get sides from clomid but 100mg should be fine IMO. And also.I would run ur Human Chorionic Gonadotropin (HCG) thru out ur cycle, you do jot have to have it...but I'm telling.u bro it is very useful, its not that pricey when ur not doing big doses..250iu 2x a week is fine for a cycle like yours. Good luck.