First Cycle, Test E and P


New member
Hey guys, ive been reading up on AAS for a few months now. Been working out for about 6 years now, with two previous cycles of PH's. One M-drol, and one Cyanozine.

Current stats:

Weight: 179
Height: 5'11
BF%: 11%
6 years lifting

Bench: 335
Squats: 385
Dead: 315 (use to be in the 4's but after 2 hernia's i figure its not really worth it)

I’ve got all my needed supplies except for Human Chorionic Gonadotropin (HCG) which is on the way.

GP Test E
GP Test P
GP A-dex
GP Aromasin
GP Nolva
GP Clomid

Cycle looks like this

Test E: w 1-12/500mg
Test P: w 1-4/300mg
A-dex: .25mg if needed

PCT 2 weeks after last shot

Nolva: 40/30/20/20
Aromasin: 25mg/ED for 4 weeks

As far as the Human Chorionic Gonadotropin (HCG) goes, My plan is to take 500IU twice a week at weeks 5, 7, 9, 11and 13. Does this sound reasonable? I read that continual use will make it harder for your boys to jump start after your off everything because its use to the Human Chorionic Gonadotropin (HCG) doing all the work. So if you break it up you still prevent atrophy but without the downside.

And the last thing, I also have a cycle of Beastdrol laying around. Some have said it works better that D-bol, but either way it’s a damn good product. I was thinking about throwing it in on the 3rd month. Any thoughts?
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First pin was this past Sunday. Did E in the left glute and P in the right. Both went pretty smooth with no real pain. I was a little sore about 15mins after but headed to bed. Next morning i woke up def more sore than when i went to bed. By the end of the day i could hardly sit. It was weird, it felt like the soreness moved from my ass cheeks up to like my lower back/very top of my ass cheeks. There was no bruising or swelling at all so i dunno what the deal was, but god damn did it hurt for a few days.
this looks good i would increase the prop tho.

Increase the prop? I will have extra at the end, i think an extra 600ml so i could do that. What would you recomend?

Everything i read said 100mg to jump start the cycle was fine. But like i said if i have extra gear why not.
And i know im a little behind with the log, but i wasn’t going to start a log if i couldn’t get a camera. Got one today so ill have pics tomorrow. Kinda bugs me reading through logs when there are no pics to see what kind of results were gained.

But the my second pin was last night.

100mg of P to the left outer quad.

Same thing, everything was nice and smooth, no bleeding, swelling or bruising. Didn’t really have any soreness last night but once again i woke up feeling like a train ran into my muscle.

Ive been limping around all damn day. Does anyone have any ideas what’s causing this or what i can do to lessen it. I’ve read high BA sometime causes this and you can bake it out. Or is this just what its like for every beginner and my muscles just need to get use to the process?

Thanks for reading
i would run at least 300mg a week to kick this off.

Oh ok sorry i see what happend. I listed 100mg of Prop a week. 100mg is what im taking EOD, so im hitting about 300mg a week.

Haha god damn at first i read your advice as 300mg EOD and was like DAMN thats a lot of test. But i fixed my post so all is good.

100mg of Prop EOD
250mg of E twice a week is what im doing.
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it would be the BA in it and the fact that its virgin muscle.
if you are injecting it along witht he Test e it should help cut it down on the soreness side.
1800ml that would be 180 vials at 10ml each you must mean mg.
so if you take say 250mg of test e and 150mg of test p in one syringe it will ease the shot. but i would split the test p shot up 3 x a week say monday with the test e and wensday test p on its own and friday test e with the p again that will give you 300mg
the muscle will get use to the compound and will stop being sore.
it would be the BA in it and the fact that its virgin muscle.
if you are injecting it along witht he Test e it should help cut it down on the soreness side.
1800ml that would be 180 vials at 10ml each you must mean mg.
so if you take say 250mg of test e and 150mg of test p in one syringe it will ease the shot. but i would split the test p shot up 3 x a week say monday with the test e and wensday test p on its own and friday test e with the p again that will give you 300mg
the muscle will get use to the compound and will stop being sore.

Yeah mg was what i ment, and if you didnt see my corrected posts im already on track with what you said. the previous 100mg i was talking about was my dose EOD rather than per week how i had it. But its all corrected now. Sorry about the mix up.
Yeah mg was what i ment, and if you didnt see my corrected posts im already on track with what you said. the previous 100mg i was talking about was my dose EOD rather than per week how i had it. But its all corrected now. Sorry about the mix up.
i missed that sorry. well then all is good to go. :dance2:
Question about this

post cycle therapy (pct) 2 weeks after last shot

Nolva: 40/30/20/20
Aromasin: 25mg/ED for 4 weeks

Are you saying that you're not going to start your post cycle therapy (pct) until 2 weeks after your last shot?

Also, Why are you using Nolva and Clomid? Isn't one sufficient enough.

Another thing. I've read that Aromasin should be used .25mg tab EOD during the cycle to prevent too much estrogen build up. Why are you putting it in the end of your cycle?
Question about this

Are you saying that you're not going to start your PCT until 2 weeks after your last shot?

Also, Why are you using Nolva and Clomid? Isn't one sufficient enough.

Another thing. I've read that Aromasin should be used .25mg tab EOD during the cycle to prevent too much estrogen build up. Why are you putting it in the end of your cycle?

Well i wrote a response yesterday but for whatever reason the mods didn't approve it. So ill try it again.

You start PCT 2 weeks after because test E is a long ester test so it takes time to clear the system

Im using nolva and clomid because they both have their benefits. If anything i might lower the dose of each but the important thing was to have it all on hand so when the time comes i have options.

And i was running aromasin at the end of the cycle because it is a type 2 Aromatase inhibitor (AI) which is steroidal and works better with Nolva. I posted a link to the differences between A-dex and Aromasin and basically nolva will degrade the performance of A-dex where as with Aro you get the full effects.

As to why i dont just run Aromasin all the way through... Aro is stronger and gets rid of more estrogen. I was hoping A-dex would be good enough. Having to low estrogen isnt a good thing either.
i agree with you. running nola and clomid for pct is no problem and less likly to have a rebound. nolva blocks estro and clomid gets the nuts working faster. and AN Aromatase inhibitor (AI) is only and should only be used if needed.
estrogen is a big part of growing and shouldnot be blocked unless problems show up or water retention is becoming a problem.

Gym was ok, nothing seems to have hit yet so other than the 2lbs ive put on my workouts are still about the same. A little hindered actually from the shots haha.

3rd shot was last night. 1ml of Prop, and 1ml of E to the right quad. That one hurt a little more immediately after when getting up to walk around. I assume because of the double dose. Either way i woke up this morning the same way as with every other shot. No bruising or swelling but feeling like i got a dead leg from hell. Def makes getting around a little more challenging.

On another note yesterday i noticed gyno is setting it. On the way to work i noticed some itching on one nip, then by the time i was heading home i had a small lump under the other.

I hit it with 40mg of Nolva to keep it from getting worse and 25mg of Aromasin. I plan to take the Nolva at 40mg today and tomorrow then drop back to 20mg until the Aro takes care of it.

My question is should i run the Aromasin EOD or ED? Ive heard its got a half life of 2-3 days. Any thoughts?
Damn Cyto your def on top of things on this site. Thanks for the responses. Glad to see someone is paying attention ha. Any thoughs on the gyno issue i posted about.

Also Pics:

They were 6:30am this morning so there's nothing special about them. But i guess you gotta start somewhere.



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i dont think its gyno that you have to be honest now that i see your tits. lol
i have the same thing and always have. ever since i had the nipples peirced. look for the nipple to become itchy and the ariola to swell out and get hot. your not running to high of test. but i may be wrong. just watch and make sure i was nervouse the first tim of gyno.
Yeah when i said something about gyno i wasn’t talking about anything visible yet. Like you said, i had some itchy crap most of yesterday and then my right started to get a bit sensitive. On the way home i could feel a small lump starting that’s pretty sore to push on. Something that i def know wasnt there a few weeks ago at the end of my cyanozine cycle.

So yeah its not gyno yet, i just think its starting. I could be wrong since i have never had it, but i do know that the lump wasn’t there, its feel like its about the size of a large bb or something. So I think im just going to try running .25mg of adex EOD after a few days of aromasine. See if the lump goes away and if nothing changes then maybe im just freaking myself out and ill stop the Aromatase inhibitor (AI) again haha.
The gyno could be your head fucking with you. You're probably pretty nervous about getting it so you're just placeboing. You'll notice it if it happens, which I doubt it will.
Yeah, I am really worried about gyno as well and I always think I am getting it. But my buddy keeps telling me that if I "think" I'm getting it I'm not.