First cycle, Test E, d bol and nolvadex


New member
Hey everyone, I've decided to post my first cycle ideas on here for any feedback from all you people far more knowledgeable than me. Take a look and see what you think...

First some stats; I'm 27, have been lifting weights for the past 6 years. A keen rugby player I believe I have a good foundation on training, fitness and weight lifting behind me.
I am 6ft 3 inches tall and weigh in at 204lbs, around 93kg's. I have a tall slim athletic physique but I personally feel I need to bulk out more.

I have tried a strict diet for the last 7 months which did increase my weight but ideally I am looking to be up around 105 kg's. My diet was clean eating around 5/6 meals per day at arounf 4000 calories but I simply can't bulk up anymore.

I have recently purchased test E, clomid and Nolvadex so this is what my cycle is looking like so far....I am planning on buying d-bol before i start also...see what you think.

By the way I have spent months reading on this site so I feel I do posses some relatively good knowledge.

Weeks test E
1 to 12 500mg per week

Weeks D-bol
1 to 6 25mg every day

Weeks Nolvadex
14 to 17 40/40/20

So I plan to run test e for 12 weeks of the cycle and add d-bol for the first 6 weeks. After my last pin on week 12 i'll wait 2 weeks until I begin Nolvadex post cycle therapy (pct). I am a little unsure about the dosage of this though

Any pointers, criticism or feedback would be very much appreciated.
dbol is harsh on the liver, most guys do 30mg for 4 weeks... get some Human Chorionic Gonadotropin (HCG) and an Aromatase inhibitor (AI) like arimidex, 0.5mg eod or e3d should do the job, start low and adjust as needed... be sure to use liver support throughout the cycle... post some pics, all the best bud!
Hi mate, many thanks for the reply. With regards to Human Chorionic Gonadotropin (HCG) I read that I should start this 2 weeks into my cycle just to keep the testes running? Also - I don't know much about this stuff, how do you take it? I was looking at Arimidex just in-case, would I start taking this at the beginning of the cycle?
Milk thistle for liver support and lots of water?

I'll post pics before I start my cycle then again at the end.
Hi mate, many thanks for the reply. With regards to Human Chorionic Gonadotropin (HCG) I read that I should start this 2 weeks into my cycle just to keep the testes running? Also - I don't know much about this stuff, how do you take it? I was looking at Arimidex just in-case, would I start taking this at the beginning of the cycle?
Milk thistle for liver support and lots of water?

I'll post pics before I start my cycle then again at the end.

i havent used mine yet so i cant give any advice, go to [ and there's info there on mixing and storing Human Chorionic Gonadotropin (HCG) as well as usage, it will come with two vials, one with the Human Chorionic Gonadotropin (HCG) and the other with sterilized water, you'll have to mix the two and then once mixed keep it refrigerated... arimadex you WILL need, i know some guys who use over a gram of test a week and dont experience gyno etc, but with any test you're going to have elevated estrogen, i suggest starting with 0.5mg every 3 days and then adjust accordingly, start it from day one with your test... milk thistle is good but a lot of guys highly recommend NAC, i havent found any yet as all the pharmacies and health stores are out of stock at the moment... will be following your progress!
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