First Cycle! Test E + DBol: Here we go!

I plan to start a cycle like this for my second and was wondering what kind of weight are you trying to put on lean or just any weight and how much ?
Hey man, good look with that cycle, i did a 12 week cycle of test enanthate and d-bol for my very first. worked well, becareful of the bloat tho depends on the person but i held shed loads of water strength is fantastic tho.....

i know prefer prop to anythilng else, hurts but the stuff is minted for bulking and cutting but good look mate, keep us upto date
Alright guys, sorry about my absence.

LiftMaster I started my cycle with my first injection the night I started the thread. Sorry I should have mentioned that.

hambone2 I'm not looking for any sort of crazy gains. Seeing as to how it is my first cycle I would be happy with 10lbs of lean mass. I've heard of other guys on this type of cycle gain up to 20 lbs of mass so hopefully I can be at a solid 190-195 when it's all said and done.

and elahtladsltd what kind of gains did you have?

And I figure that on Tuesday which will be my 1 week mark I'll make my first log post!
Alright guys, sorry about my absence.

LiftMaster I started my cycle with my first injection the night I started the thread. Sorry I should have mentioned that.

hambone2 I'm not looking for any sort of crazy gains. Seeing as to how it is my first cycle I would be happy with 10lbs of lean mass. I've heard of other guys on this type of cycle gain up to 20 lbs of mass so hopefully I can be at a solid 190-195 when it's all said and done.

and elahtladsltd what kind of gains did you have?

And I figure that on Tuesday which will be my 1 week mark I'll make my first log post!

U really need to up those calories. id say 4000 at least. Especially with all that cardio u wanna make sure to maximize ur gains. I would say even 5000 but u r lite for being
6'2 i was that weight when i was 16 im 23 now 6'3 and 251. So just modify it to ur own comfort but def go over the 3000 mark
Alright I will definitely do that. Stocking the fridge up this week. Any fast calorie ideas?

Depends on what u r willing to eat and spend. I eat oats, pb, tuna, Lean Deli meat, skinless chicken breast( tyson strips r good if ur low on time), steaks, wheat bread, yogurts, Skim milk, veggies, Brown rice, almonds, Black beans, list goes on and on haha i try to keep it different but eat the same portions everyday
Alright. Thank you for the input. When I post my log tomorrow I'll make sure that I include a diet plan that which put my calories over 4000 a day.
Alright I will definitely do that. Stocking the fridge up this week. Any fast calorie ideas?

for someone as skinny as you i suggest a fast food cheat meal every day, every other day at the minimum.

You are wayyy too young also, but you've already started so i won't waste my time getting into that.

Main thing you need to do is eat. And not overtrain. You don't grow in the gym. The fact that you haven't missed a workout in a year means you're prolly overtraining now. Its good to let the body rest.

btw, who gave you the bright idea to put your real name as ur username?
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one more thing. you PCT plan sucks. You start Clomid 2-3 weeks after your last test e inject. Not the following week like you have it. Waste of time if you start it too soon.
Yeah I didn't really think about that when I made the account. Revamping my information and I'll have a new thread up tomorrow. Thank you for bringing that to my attention.
Yeah I didn't really think about that when I made the account. Revamping my information and I'll have a new thread up tomorrow. Thank you for bringing that to my attention.

RJ's right bro. i was trying to remember earlier today who it was that was saying they hadnt rested in a long time. U need to get some rest for instance on the weekends or days that u r off from work try to make some xtra time to catch a nap. also take at least a day or 2 to rest each week. u can take them together or split them up totally up to u.

Some of the best gains ive made going to the gym 4 times a week. after overtraining for months i learned early on plus my wife bitching at me for being at the gym all day thinking i was cheating lol.