First Cycle: Test E + dbol kickstart


New member
Hello everybody!

Before you say I'm too young, please read my post thoroughly. Thanks in advance.

My stats are:
  • Age - 20
  • Weight - 200lbs
  • Bodyfat - 15% (Endomorph)
  • Experience - 4 and a half years, dedicated.
  • Although I am not a strength athlete, I tried my 1RM's: 240lbs Bench, 350 Squat, 410 Deadlift

I am sure I am not done growing yet, e.g. my beard is not thick yet and I'm just 20 years old. However, over the last year the only thing I have been able to change is my bodyfat. It either goes up or down - but muscle mass/strength/endurance remains the same no matter how I train or eat. My diet is 100% clean. I am bulking right now and it consists of about 200g of protein, 200-300g of carbs and 40-50g of fats spread throughout the day. The supplements I use are multivitamins, omega 3, joint products and protein powders year-round. I occasionally take a preworkout like Jack3d for an extra edge.

So, the question is - what happens if I run a 10-week cycle of 500mg Test E + 20mg dbol kickstart for 4 weeks. I know that my body is a hormone machine right now. I look way bigger/better than 90% of the guys in the gym, most of whom are steroid users, but I feel very, very upset when I see some fitness model-looking dude, YOUNGER than me, who has 1-2 years of experience but did a few cycles and is now a terminator.

If I run that cycle, with all the safety precautions during cycle/PCT - will I f*ck myself over? Will I have to go on testosterone replacement therapy (TRT) in my 20's, or end up with way lower test levels after I'm done recovering from the cycle? My plan is to do this one cycle and be done with it, as I'll be moving to another country. My image is extremely important for my job (business manager), especially when the people I'm managing are ~5 years older than I am.

I'd greatly appreciate the feedback from all of you, but especially guys who started in their early 20's and are now older.


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I think you should wait a year or two. Like you said your hormones are at top levels. Id try changing up my diet first. Hit up some of the diet gurus on this board. But if you have your heart set on running gear run only TEST first.
No dbol Even at 20mg as a kickstart?

Also, I'm endo so I guess I'm gyno prone. What happens if I can't get my hands on an Aromatase inhibitor (AI), e.g. Arimidex? I know that starting to take nolva during the cycle until the end of PCT, will result in huge estro rebound side effects, or in other words - depression and total loss of motivation.
whats your over all goal? and i would do 12 weeks. my fist cycle i blew up! and i did 10 weeks.. wish i could go back and do 12 many even 15 lol.
My primary objective is to be healthy, and secondly - to have the fitness model look, e.g. Lazar Angelov but higher bodyfat, as I can't maintain anything under 8% unless I starve myself.

So, to summarize what I'm expecting from this cycle:

1. Remain as healthy as I would have been without steroids.
2. Keep 15lbs of lean muscle muss
3. Drop a few pounds of fat - but even if it doesn't happen, no big deal.
only way to drop fat is to lower your calories.. it sucks but it works and starving is part of it.. 8% is good. once you get there just eat 300 calories over your maintenance and you will be good.
Btw, what should I do if I can't get my hands on adex?

its a 50 50 risk. you may not get any sides at all. but if you do then you are in trouble.. i know RUI has adex never used so cant tell you how good it is. but have used other things from them and they were G2G. I use pharm adex but i never need it I don't get sides from test. I think if any compound is giving you sides you should not use it at all.
Hey man new to the site not new to the game my advice would be to drop the Dbol for your first cycle you will see great results eating big and lifting on just the test bro. I'm not going to mention you may be to young but we all know you are just run the Test incase any complications arise you wouldn't know which compound it was if you were running both
The temptation will probably be too strong for you to resist but the general consensus is test only for a first cycle