First Cycle: Test E, Deca, Dbol (optional), PCT Nolvadex (Need help finalising)

Hey guys, I posted a few months back about doing a dbol only cycle, (stupid idea) didnt happen, i already had dbol and nolvadex purchased although now i have test e and deca. I am planning to run the cycle for 10 weeks, i need help with the amount of each which i should take. If i was to take 750mg of test each week, how much deca will i need to take and also should i take the dbol (25mg capsules) aswell or save it for a future cycle when im more experienced?

Also the Nolvadex will be enough to last me for 3 weeks, will 3 weeks be enough, if not i can get more nolvadex in a few days. Thanks, feel free to give constructive critacism!
Have you done any research? Based off you post I am going to say no. First things first, your first cycle should be test only, second thing it doesn't need to be 750mg/ week, 3rd you don't need to run dbol or deca, 4th you need more Nolvadex. Fifth, you
Mention nothing about AI. Do some proper research man
You know something is wrong when finalizing is spelt wrong in the title lol dude no offense but you need not apply right now go learn about what you are about to do then maybe you will think again cheers

Read through the newbie stickies-tons of great information. Like Jacked said, your test doesn't need to be 750mg your first cycle, 500 will give you good gains. 10 weeks is usually considered too short to see deca's full potential and I recommend HCG to keep your nuts from shrinking-250 twice a week for weeks 3-10.