First of all, i am Canadian and this is my first cycle. I have found a reputable shop that sells "gear" specifically to Canadien citizens. As this is my first cycle is there a big difference with running only a Test-E cycle for 12 weeks or 10 weeks. Simply because 2 vials at 250mg/ml will last me only 10 weeks and if it is a must for 12 weeks then i will purchase the extra vial and have some left over. I read around and people suggest running Arimidex at .25mg/EOD however they only sell Arimidex in tablet form at 1mg/tab. Any suggestions on this i want to have the cycle tweaked and perfected before i purchase. Also, because Test-E remains in the body after my last injection on week 10 should i start my post cycle therapy (pct) in week 11 or 12? I feel as though starting in 12 would be better.
Weeks 1-10 Test-E 500mg
2-10 Arimidex 1mg/EOD to prevent any gyno
post cycle therapy (pct)
Weeks 12-16 Clomid 50-50-50-50
Weeks 12-16 Nolvadex 40-40-20-20
Weeks 1-10 Test-E 500mg
2-10 Arimidex 1mg/EOD to prevent any gyno
post cycle therapy (pct)
Weeks 12-16 Clomid 50-50-50-50
Weeks 12-16 Nolvadex 40-40-20-20