first cycle Test E only............


New member
I just wanna make sure I am doing everything right. i have gotten labs done once and my test level was like 360 or something. I am 24 now and that was when I was 19. I am now 24. I dont really understand how my levels were so low tho. I was 193 and a little over 8% bf and In the best shape of my life. I was fucking like a machine too. Although I do not have much body hair. I dont really wanna do TRT and have my nuts shrink up for the rest of my life or not be able to have kids. Anyway this is my cycle. Any help with what you think I should change up or how much you think I will gain would be great. I didnt include my diet to save you the reading. short version is 3500 cals a day and about 250 grams protein. I will up that if I feel as though Im not gaining enough. I am not worried about having to cut. My body has always been good at leaning up with minimal effort. I have done a lot of read but this is the first form I have joined. Just wondering how likely is it really for me to gain 20 to 40 pounds of this?

Weeks 1-10:
*500mg testosterone per week
*1 quarter tablet of Fincar per day (1.25mg)
*1 quarter tablet of Arimidex every other day (0.25mg)
*1 tablet of clomid every other day (50mg)
*320mg of standardized Saw Palmetto Extract per day

Week 11:
*300mg testosterone per week
*1 quarter tablet of Fincar per day (1.25mg)
*1 quarter tablet of Arimidex every other day (0.25mg)
*1 tablet of clomid every other day (50mg)
*320mg of standardized Saw Palmetto Extract per day

Week 12:
*200mg testosterone per week
*1 quarter tablet of Fincar per day (1.25mg)
*1 quarter tablet of Arimidex every other day (0.25mg)
*1 tablet of clomid every day (50mg)
*320mg of standardized Saw Palmetto Extract per day

Week 13:
*1.25mg of finasteride per day
*.25mg of Arimidex every other day
*100mg of clomid every day

Week 14:
*1 quarter tablet of Arimidex every 3rd day (0.25mg)
*50mg of clomid every day

These are my stats

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Ohhh and I do have male pattern baldness. Whats the likely hood of my loosing more hair than I already have even with the Fincar. I am also using Nizoral shampoo.
I have friends that Blast and Cruise year around and pop out babies like it's going out of style

AAS doesn't create issues such as infertility and male pattern baldness. However, if you have these issues prior to AAS use, they can be "enhanced", if you will.

With that being said, I believe adding Finasteride to your cycle in an attempt to prevent baldness is ultimately a waste of time, as it won't block all DHT. I can't say for sure that it won't prolong total baldness, but in the end it won't prevent it. If you have male pattern baldness prior to steroid use, and you've alraedy made up your mind to start....I'd recommend you just shave your head and get used to the look.

No need to taper off of Test, keep it at 500mg/week from weeks 1-12

No need for clomid during cycle alongside Arimidex (or at all IMO). Save it for PCT

Let's just scratch that cycle plan all together and go with this one instead...

Weeks 1-12: Test E @500mg/week
Weeks 1-14: Arimidex @.25mg/eod **Adjust as needed based on blood results**
PCT Week 1: Clomid @150mg/day
PCT Week 2: Clomid @100mg/day
PCT Week 3: Clomid @50mg/day
PCT Week 4: Clomid @50mg/day
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I have friends that Blast and Cruise year around and pop out babies like it's going out of style

AAS doesn't create issues such as infertility and male pattern baldness. However, if you have these issues prior to AAS use, they can be "enhanced", if you will.

With that being said, I believe adding Finasteride to your cycle in an attempt to prevent baldness is ultimately a waste of time, as it won't block all DHT. I can't say for sure that it won't prolong total baldness, but in the end it won't prevent it. If you have male pattern baldness prior to steroid use, and you've alraedy made up your mind to start....I'd recommend you just shave your head and get used to the look.

No need to taper off of Test, keep it at 500mg/week from weeks 1-12

No need for clomid during cycle alongside Arimidex (or at all IMO). Save it for PCT

Let's just scratch that cycle plan all together and go with this one instead...

Weeks 1-12: Test E @500mg/week
Weeks 1-14: Arimidex @.25mg/eod **Adjust as needed based on blood results**
PCT Week 1: Clomid @150mg/day
PCT Week 2: Clomid @100mg/day
PCT Week 3: Clomid @50mg/day
PCT Week 4: Clomid @50mg/day

How does it not cause fertility issues if it has the potential to suppress FSH permanently?
24 is what he said I think.

I didn't catch that... Too busy making sense of his monstrous cycle that going to get him 40lbs of muscle!

Op, if u think your going to be a giant off one cycle of test, well the bubble just burst. You gotta train, eat, sleep, eat, eat, eat, and most importantly eat. Steroids aren't a magical genie in a bottle. If your ducks aren't in a row before using gear, they sure won't be afterwards either. If it was that easy, there would be more bbers and fitness chics everywhere instead of fatasses slopping up the golden arches.
my hair line isnt so bad that i would shave my head. Its not really falling out anymore and hasnt for about 2 years. One thing I dont understand is why my hair was falling out if I have low test levels. It was only one test and from what I am told it take take more than one to know what your true test levels are. Could have been that my levels were low when I had the test.
I didn't catch that... Too busy making sense of his monstrous cycle that going to get him 40lbs of muscle!

Op, if u think your going to be a giant off one cycle of test, well the bubble just burst. You gotta train, eat, sleep, eat, eat, eat, and most importantly eat. Steroids aren't a magical genie in a bottle. If your ducks aren't in a row before using gear, they sure won't be afterwards either. If it was that easy, there would be more bbers and fitness chics everywhere instead of fatasses slopping up the golden arches.
I have never had a problem eating enough. I dont drink soda and I never eat fast food.

Ever forget about a mcdouble and find it months later in the back seat of your car....still looking the way it did when you bought it? I didnt say 40 pounds of muscle. I said 40 pounds. Is 25 pounds of lean muscle not feasible?
How does it not cause fertility issues if it has the potential to suppress FSH permanently?

Ok let me reword that and take another shot at explaining it without having to write a medical document, lol.

How steroids affect your fertility ultimately depends on your gentics. Yes, being on cycle will reduce your sperm count, but it's both reversible and avoidable. Many people conceive kids both during and after cycles, even people who abuse compounds and come off cycles without PCT. What I'm saying is that infertility isn't an issue big enough to consider steroids a reliable contraceptive.