I'm looking for some advice as I'm looking to start my first cycle, I am planning on doing a Test cycle maybe with the additon of D-Bol or Deca but firstly I'll give you some background on me.
I'm 23 years old, I have been training religiously now for around 2 year. I attend the gym 6 days a week (i do allow for full recovery of muscle groups). I have seen great gains both visually and with strength but seem to have hit my plateue as i haven't had many gains in the last few months now. I would just like to add I'm not one of these 'attend for half an hour flex my biceps and leave kind of guys' I see day in day out at the gym, I truly am fully dedicated to this.
I'm 5' 10" tall and firstly began at approximately 180lbs at around 20% body fat
I am now around 170lbs at around 11% body fat.
I have a good diet and have done since day one, a typical day for me would be:
8am (Breakfast) - 2 scoops protein shake with 1 banana or 5 egg omelette etc.
10am - fruit selection
12.30 (dinner) - Tuna/chicken breast + white rice + green vegetables
3pm - protein bar + apple or banana
5.00pm (pre workout) - Crumpet with peanut butter
6.30pm (post Workout) - 1.5 Scoop Protein shake
7.30pm (evening meal) - Chicken breast/tuna steak/beef steak + brown rice/jacket potato + green veg
10pm - Casein slow release protein shake
I also take BCAA and creatine daily.
I have spent alot of time researching and deciding whether this is what i want to do but i come to the decision that this is the next step. For years now everyone of my friends just gets there hands on what ever steroids they can and just sticks it in them willy nilly, no set cycle, diet, training, post cycle therapy (pct) anything! But I have always been dead against this, yes they do see gains but I believe if done correctly I could fly by them on a single cycle. I have always had a strong ethic that if its done properly at the right time with the right dedication the gains will be far superior.
After alot of research my current cycle looks somehting like this:
Test E - 500mg per week, pining 250mg 2 times weekly (probably Tuesday & Saturday) for 12 weeks
I am planning on throwing in some D-bol for the first 4 weeks but alot i'm getting alot of mixed views on this some saying don't bother some saying i would be better running Deca through my course instead of this... Any thoughts?
My post cycle therapy (pct) is currently Nolva/clomid. clomid 50/50/50/50, Nolva 20/20/10/10/10/10 starting 14 days after my last injection... Is this the best way forward or would anyone recommend otherwise?
I'd be greatful for the advice i've done alot of research but theres just so much out there, so many different views and opinions choosing the right one starts to get confusing!
I'm looking for some advice as I'm looking to start my first cycle, I am planning on doing a Test cycle maybe with the additon of D-Bol or Deca but firstly I'll give you some background on me.
I'm 23 years old, I have been training religiously now for around 2 year. I attend the gym 6 days a week (i do allow for full recovery of muscle groups). I have seen great gains both visually and with strength but seem to have hit my plateue as i haven't had many gains in the last few months now. I would just like to add I'm not one of these 'attend for half an hour flex my biceps and leave kind of guys' I see day in day out at the gym, I truly am fully dedicated to this.
I'm 5' 10" tall and firstly began at approximately 180lbs at around 20% body fat
I am now around 170lbs at around 11% body fat.
I have a good diet and have done since day one, a typical day for me would be:
8am (Breakfast) - 2 scoops protein shake with 1 banana or 5 egg omelette etc.
10am - fruit selection
12.30 (dinner) - Tuna/chicken breast + white rice + green vegetables
3pm - protein bar + apple or banana
5.00pm (pre workout) - Crumpet with peanut butter
6.30pm (post Workout) - 1.5 Scoop Protein shake
7.30pm (evening meal) - Chicken breast/tuna steak/beef steak + brown rice/jacket potato + green veg
10pm - Casein slow release protein shake
I also take BCAA and creatine daily.
I have spent alot of time researching and deciding whether this is what i want to do but i come to the decision that this is the next step. For years now everyone of my friends just gets there hands on what ever steroids they can and just sticks it in them willy nilly, no set cycle, diet, training, post cycle therapy (pct) anything! But I have always been dead against this, yes they do see gains but I believe if done correctly I could fly by them on a single cycle. I have always had a strong ethic that if its done properly at the right time with the right dedication the gains will be far superior.
After alot of research my current cycle looks somehting like this:
Test E - 500mg per week, pining 250mg 2 times weekly (probably Tuesday & Saturday) for 12 weeks
I am planning on throwing in some D-bol for the first 4 weeks but alot i'm getting alot of mixed views on this some saying don't bother some saying i would be better running Deca through my course instead of this... Any thoughts?
My post cycle therapy (pct) is currently Nolva/clomid. clomid 50/50/50/50, Nolva 20/20/10/10/10/10 starting 14 days after my last injection... Is this the best way forward or would anyone recommend otherwise?
I'd be greatful for the advice i've done alot of research but theres just so much out there, so many different views and opinions choosing the right one starts to get confusing!