First cycle - test enth

Sentinel Light

New member
Some background...

I'm 25 years old, been lifting for five years, and am a competitive powerlifter.

In August, I'll compete at Raw Nationals with USAPL (drug-free), and after that, I intend to start my first cycle, staying away from competition for a little while, and seeing how strong I can get. I feel like I'm reaching the end of what I can accomplish naturally, so this seems like the natural next step. In addition, it'd be nice to move up a weight class, if only because at my height, I think I'd do rather well in heavier classes.

Since it's my first, I want to keep it as simple as possible, and since I'm not looking to gain massive amounts of size (just a bit.. 10, 15, maybe 20), I don't see a reason to front-load with dbol or something similar.

so here's what I'm thinking:

W 1-10 test enth 250mg 2x/week (or maybe cyp??)
W 2-11 adex 0.25mg EOD
W 12-15 nolvadex 40/40/20/20

It's very bare-bones and basic compared to other cycles I'm seeing here, but does anyone see any problems with it? Should I up the dose?

I've been toying with the idea of doing test enth and tren enth together... both at 250mg twice a week, since I hear that helps a bit more with strength gains, but I'm uncertain about it.

Thanks a lot.
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That's a good question, TJ. I don't know if it's necessary, but I'm sure it's helpful, from what I've read. What are the other opinions on it?

From my source, test cyp is a little bit less expensive, so maybe I'll go with that instead.
Test alone fairly mild. No need for HCG.

I just completed my cycle a few months back. Did only Nolva for post cycle therapy (pct), recovered fully, and kept most of the gains.