First cycle test only


New member
Hi guys,

It's good to be here. I like this forum as is shares most of my workout and diet strategies. Been training for about 5 years, out of which 2 stupid and lame and another 3 gradually improving and learning.
I am 29, 165 lbs and 5'10, about 10% bf.
I workout 4 times a week, and my diet is 3200 cal/day, about 250 g of protein. Carbs are out of brown rice and raw oatmeal, protein from chicken, beef, eggs. Fats are out of almonds, olive oil. I also use dygestive enzymes as i am hard gainer and i find them really helpful.
Planning on starting my first cycle, as advised by all guys here, test only. I cannot find any aromasine or arimidex around so that brings me to my question. Test e or prop? I am thinking less bloat and water retention. For my PCT i can find nolva and clomid, i am thinking to combine them if needed.
I don't mind injecting eod, or ed, but i'd rather have it twice a week if there is a way to get rid of all the bloat and water retention coming along with test e.
So, i want to gain some weight since i have been stuck for about 5 months and i want it to be clean, less water. Considering this and the lack of Aromatase inhibitor (AI) around, i would give prop a chance (maybe some dianabol for a start, 4 weeks but not sure yet since this is first cycle and dianabol also bloats you )for 10 weeks then clomid + nolva.
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For your first cycle you don't want to mix things..You never know how your body will react to it. If you have to much going on then you never know what you are reacting to. Plus Tren on a first cycle is not a good idea imo.... I would not start anything till you have all your cycle in hand Aromatase inhibitor (AI) included... Do some reading on here and you will find what you need...
Listen, just do 500mgs of testE a week. Get an Aromatase inhibitor (AI) from the site sponsor at the top of page. Run your cycle 12 weeks. There is a million "first cycle" posts with the same advice given. Just go read it. Tren on a first cycle is very stupid btw....
Well, that was my question in the first place. Is it ok for prop only cycle since I can't find Aromatase inhibitor (AI) around here in the czech republic?
I checked the sponsor, and i can't see any Aromatase inhibitor (AI) among their products.
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Agreed with tbonexl.tren you can't do in first,second cycle, so propi falls. propi alone is not that used.
Use test e or c, a calitative brand/product.
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It's not about what i have, i can have either one. The problem is that with enanthate I can't get a hold of Aromatase inhibitor (AI), so that is why I am asking about propionate.
Look around at the other sponsors and you will find a Aromatase inhibitor (AI) so guys won't be inclined to check out your new rack......
Found arimidex, haven't taken it yet. Just finished my dianabol yesterday, after 32 days, 30 mg/day. Pin enanthate every 3 days 300 mg. Gained 9 pounds so far, no bloat, no acne, just horny as hell. Even the abs look better. We'll see when the test kicks in what happens.