FIRST cycle test P, Some questions


New member
Hey guys!

So after alot of time thinking about steroids I deicided to do some research with a friend... and seems like alot of the negativity you hear is bullshit, im sure there can be side effects... but, seems like peoples picture of roids is really out of place.

Anyway, i deicided to try TRT-dosages, read an article about it on dangerandplay, and they preach Test P 50mg EOD, which is what im going to do.

But some questions.

What can i expect from this, gains,mood,libido etc?

Does it matter where i inject, read about glute,thigh,deltoids.

What kinda alcohol should be uses to wipe the injection area ?

Does ur training schedule / style change when on test?

Hey guys!

So after alot of time thinking about steroids I deicided to do some research with a friend... and seems like alot of the negativity you hear is bullshit, im sure there can be side effects... but, seems like peoples picture of roids is really out of place.

Anyway, i deicided to try TRT-dosages, read an article about it on dangerandplay, and they preach Test P 50mg EOD, which is what im going to do.

But some questions.

What can i expect from this, gains,mood,libido etc?

Does it matter where i inject, read about glute,thigh,deltoids.

What kinda alcohol should be uses to wipe the injection area ?

Does ur training schedule / style change when on test?


one quick point.. if your training style is not already optimal for you (as well as your diet), then your probably not ready for AAS, as you won't get a whole lot out of it.
training and diet is good, been making alot of good gains lately, was just curious if the game changes when u inject test =)
50 mg eod you will see some gains depending on diet for first cycle I would go with cyp or enthanate and inject twice a week

Well as i have the stuff, test prop cant be that bad can it? For example...

Would i be able to increase my 140kg deadlift to ... yeah what would be realistic? just so that I get an idea of what to expect