First cycle -Tren/Eq/Gh without test?


New member
Hey guys,

I've used gh, Winstrol (winny) tabs, anastrozole, and test cream historically, but that is the extent of my previous usage.

I have Tren ace, Eq, and gh right now. My trainer thinks I shouldn't use test because my intent is cutting hard on this cycle. Obviously 99% of everything I read screams to always use test especially with Tren. I am not starting anything until I really figure out what I'm doing here.

My diet has been low-medium carbs, medium fat, high protein. Vitamins are very solid. Cardio is about 2 times a week now, but am starting 3-4 times a week prior to starting a cycle.

My goal of this cycle is to get as lean as I can. I don't have a bf or weight # goal, but will do perfect on diet, cardio, supplementation so I'm sure results will be as good as can be.

My main question is do I need test or not? If so, I guess I should get Arimidex as well? I do have a history of some Gyno. I am interested and looking forward to any and all advice. Dosage and timing/schedule would be very helpful too. I have read hundreds of articles and threads, and get so many conflicting viewpoints that my first reaction is just to listen to my trainer who is 45 and looks amazing still. But, I'm here to make sure before I start this cycle.

I'm interested in your post cycle therapy (pct) recommendation as well.

Thanks in advance. I really appreciate the help.
your trainer is an idiot, you definitely need test in ALL cycles, and u can definitely cut on test as long your diet is spot on
Terrible idea for a first real cycle. Good possibility you get sides from the tren (very powerful stuff) and when you do you won't know if it's the EQ or Tren causing the problems; this is why 95% of people on this board suggest test only for a first cycle. Additionally, tren will shut down your natural test production which could very possibily lead to sexual sides (limp noodle). I personally think it's a horrible idea to use so much gear on your first cycle and if a person reccommeded that to me, I'd know they either didn't know what they were talking about or didn't have my best intrests at heart (perhaps he just wants to sell you more gear). If you are dead set on running the above (let me say again, I think this is a horrible idea for a first cycle) I'd at least run a low dose of test (250mg/week or more) with what you are planning. As far as post cycle therapy (pct) read the sticky's on the "anabolic steroid forum;" all must reads if youre planning on doing gear.
mjunkie and ozzynozzy21, thanks a lot for your responses. I didn't buy the gear from my trainer, so it's not to his profit. But, I do hear what you're saying. I certainly don't like the idea of having sexual side effects, and see no reason not to include at least a small dose of test (as ozzy suggested).

With test, would you recommend adding in some Arimidex? I used to be a fat kid, and lost (no joke) 250+ pounds over a few-year journey. I've kept it off fine, and did it by just eating great and working out. No tricks, surgeries, or drugs. The only problem is, from being such a fatty (and having the higher estrogen from extra fat), I have much more gyno potential than the average person.
Test should be the base of any legit cycle. If you're set on running something along test tren ace/eth would not be a wise decision. Maybe dbol or EQ. Otherwise run a basic 500mg/14wk cycle and see how your body responds.
So everyone pretty much agrees that I shouldn't take tren/eq even with a smaller dose of test.

I'm really looking to cut. I want to get lean. I'm already pretty strong, nothing to brag about but I care most about lean right now. My diet is perfect, my workouts are solid and regular, and my cardio will increase from 2x/week to maybe 3-4x/week. Cardio is the only thing I know I can improve on.

Given my gyno situation/fear, I think I should take arimidex throughout the test cycle. I used to take Anastrozole while I was using my test cream and Winstrol (winny) tabs last year. I would be taking my gh too.
Why dont you look into something aslong the lines of 500mg/week test for weeks 1-14 and 50mg per day Ana Anavar (var) weeks 10-14. Youll get some extra vascularity, a good lean cut. Nice LBM increase from the test. And youll be running test long enough to know how you react to it. Youll have some water weight gain, which can me controlled with a spot on diet. But the Anavar (var) will help lean you up some, it is mildly androgenic, so not a bad choice for a first cycle. I think with a solid workout, sleep and diet, and a good post cycle therapy (pct) youll be more than happy with it...especially for a first cycle....think about it.
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