First cycle with a picture


New member
Hello Everybody, im looking to do my first real cycle i did Anavar (var) alone in the past i know was a mistake!. but im thinking about 2 cycles just dont know which one would suite me best right now. this how it looks

-Dbols kickstarter 1-4 weeks 40mg
-500mg Test E for 10 weeks i hear 12 weeks is better?
Starting two weeks after last pin, 40/20/20/20 Nolva
Also 2 weeks after last pin, 100/50/50/50 Clomid


1-10 Test E 500mg EW
8-12 Ana Anavar (var) 50mg ED up until 3 days before first Nolvadex dose
10-13 Aromasin 10 mg's daily
12-14 Nolvadex 20 mg's daily
15-16 Nolvadex 10 mg's daily
Ok well bf% is a bit high and your still a bit young for Aas. Higher bf% comes with more sides and easier to get gyno. Now is 18% tested or is it just a guess
ummm i havnt had the bf test so im guessing im around the %, so why i wanted to post the picture so you guys could see where im at.... but in terms with the bodyfat wouldnt be the test+var better for me?
Gear isn't used to drop bf. Yes some compunds aid in fat loss but the real way is in your diet. The right way to approach this would be to drop a little bf before you do your cycle. Also it might benifit you to get your diet looked at by 3j in the diet section. He has free diet advice but I'm actually one of his clients and he is a beast at nutrition!! I know I know you wanna get jacked on gear but listen to me when I tell you gains are so much better and you can shed fat a lot more and minimizes the chances of sides. So there's a right way and a wrong way to approach this. You can prob get down to a decent bf in a month if cardio and diet is up to par. That's your best route. Remember steroids are not intended as a fat burner though some compounds do aid in fat loss but a lot of that is because your building muscle which in the end helps burn fat
the thing is i dont even know if im 18 or not =/, thats why i wanted to post the picture but i have no idea how to do that lol
Let you know what? BF looks pretty high, but I'm terrible at guessing once it gets above 12-15% (which it is above). I'd consider focusing on diet and cardio to drop some BF before jumping on cycle.