First Cycle You will probably hate me its okay


New member
I joined this forum to gain knowledge and share my experiences this is my first thread and im open to all criticism be it rude or nice, im a marine so im used to this shit either way.
Age 19, I know its a terrible age because natural test is potent and i understand that, but id rather cut my life in half and live like a god then live to be 80 like a sheep. Plus i could die any day from un natural causes like a disaster , or deployment im not afraid to die if im still conscious in the afterlife the first thing ill do is hit the gym thats my mentality it wont be changed. Im not doing this to make money or impress people, watching myself in the mirror after a days of hard work gives me motivation to live my life to the fullest, it just makes me feel fulfilled and i hope that you veterans understand that fulfillment in life is probably the best bet to happiness because for sure nothing else makes me happier than lifting.
Currently almost on week 8.

Anabolics Cycle:
1-2 Dbol 45mg ED
1-12 Test E 500mg 2 doses
3-6 Winny 45 ED
7-10 Tren ace 60mg EOD Holy fucking shit as soon as i added this in 2days i doubled my weight, got euphoria, and started grunting like a madman unwillingly, i think about breaking shit all the time, and im happy being left alone not really irritated though still nice to people.
Wk 7-8 30mg Dbol, mixed with the tren its making me max everything out makes me feel good and my form is perfect.
Wk 9-10 30mg winny, im doing this to dry myself out, ive had success doing 2 weeks bulk 2 weeks cut.

liver toxicity isnt bad i felt that shit on 45mg but since i detoxed like a mofo for a week and dropped the dose i feel good.

On cycle protection:
1-6 Aromasin 12.5 EOD shit was working but not as well as i needed it to work, its also expensive when i had to incorporate dbol with trend i knew i would have to switch to something stronger my estro sometimes exceeded and i didn't think it would be worth doing 25 because of how expensive it is.
7-13 Letrozole Day 1 2.5mg had to do it my tits were being sensitive, day 2 1.5mg, then after this im running 1mg EOD reason is because im sensitive to estrogen if you were in my body you would understand why im running it like this.
7-10 Prami 0.25mg at night after every tren injection, sensitive to prolactin too so i have to run this shit not trying to milk my tits fuck that shit.
Then for 2 weeks im going to let the test get out of my system and go into pct running nolvadex 40/30/20/10 i might also run very low doses of letro very very low if i feel as if im about to get bitchtits.

Start 175lbs now 200lbs wk 8 ,BF was 11.5 now it was 9.5 on wk 7 prob a bit lower now. Dropped about 5lbs of fat gained 25lbs of lean mass so 30lbs of gains so far if u count fat loss. Im hoping to be 9%. Strength has practically doubled on all aspects, tricep, bicep and chest machines and ropes i can max started bench at 185 now im at 305. Squats at 185 now at 325. Deadlift at 225 now at 385. Legpress at 540 now at 810. A lot more shit. 6 pack is almost popping out i saw it when i was on winny but when i hit 9 i think ill see it.

Diet is solid i dont count my calories but i eat high protein medium carbs and all that good shit i dont drink alcohol soda or eat fucking snacks, basically mamas food makes me big and strong.

The reason im talking like a douche is because the trend running through my body makes me feel like i wanna skullfuck a hooker. Oh wait ive already done that. Trying very hard not to break this pole next to me i swear i can probably fucking deadlift it or bend it or some shit. :wallbash:
That is a really really really bad first cycle.


what the hell devil dog? remember the 6 Ps? Proper Planning Prevents Piss Poor Performance. not sure if anyone ever taught you that in the marines but i know my sgts did. i know you're eager to blow up and say you're not afraid to die and everything but if you're gonna do something, do it right. why not go with the standard test e 500mg/wk cycle? and wait 3 weeks after your last shot to start pct and i would run 40/40/20/20. pick up clomid if you can and hcg works wonders(used 10 days blast after last shot since you didn't take it through cycle).
Ah i haven't learned that yet too busy digging holes. The reason im not including clomid is because based on reading threads on forums like this ive come to the conclusion that it does less than nolvadex at a higher price. Ill try to get HCG asap. I got my AI's, SERMS and prami before i took the gear. I did my research. Why cant i run trend first cycle? Im inexperienced, but its nothing like fucking test at all.. so test cycles would of never prepared me for this even if i was 5 cycles down the road..Test alone wasnt enough so i had to add other compounds in to make gains faster than natty i could make those test gains natty if i had a bit more time in the gym without winny and dbol i would of not made shit. And tren is breaking that last peak before i conclude the cycle. It looks good on paper to me and im going to see how it goes, i wont fuck myself up because i have prami and letro unless my blood pressure kills me then fuck it i deserve to die for not listening. If i lose the gains after my pct then thats when im going to get a giant dildo and stick it up my ass.
... thats when im going to get a giant dildo and stick it up my ass.

Your statement and this cycle are pretty much the same thing. You have NO idea what you're about to embark on, and you're really going to regret it. There's a time and a place for AAS, this isn't it. Besides, wait until you can actually CONTROL what and WHEN you eat, I know so many guys that go in and lose so much weight - it would be an utter waste for you at this point in your career. Seriously.

But I fully expect pics of this dildo when you find out the hard way; I'll be sure to show them to my Step Dad, whom of which is a Captain in the Marines.

My .02c :)
Halfwit ill get the black jumbo sized one just for you buddy. Im not active duty i can control my meals but you do have a good point i wont argue that.
Ah i haven't learned that yet too busy digging holes. ...

this made me laugh haha

you will lose gains after your pct, guaranteed. if you blow up on something in a short period of time (I've gone from 240-260lbs in only 2 months) you will lose majority of it when you cycle off. if you choose not to use clomid that's your choice. I like taking both. the reasoning for not running so many compounds is because its better to learn to control one compound and then add another and see how you react. this way you know what you react to and what to counter it with. if you add multiple things at once its hard to pinpoint what it takes to fix what.
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Dude you need to read up. You Need to understand pct first . You don't use one because it's the same as the other but cheaper It doesn't work like that , they all three work in synergy . As far as prami goes what do you do with that . Wait till you're up typing why do I feel like I'm about to puke because you over did it . You're 19 , we all new everything and how life was going to pan out at that age to ... WRONG. There are a lot of consequences here . TrenD please it's 7 times stronger than test and if you are an A hole you will be a supercharged a hole of epic proportion . I'm not being a dick but I see young guys daily on these boards that type this same program . They get pissed at the 10k post vets because they don't tell them what they want to hear and the cycle continues. You are not prepared for the end of this cycle.
What got me is your claiming 9% but your abs aren't popping? Mine are visible around 15%. You sure you ain't talking mad shit like with your crazy ass cycle?
You have a very good point. Week 8 ill just drop the week 9 of winny. and drop the dbol also? I really want to leave the tren on, im probably addicted to it now honestly... seeing how drastically it improved my performance in such a short time.
What got me is your claiming 9% but your abs aren't popping? Mine are visible around 15%. You sure you ain't talking mad shit like with your crazy ass cycle?
Depends what you mean, i dont have a 6 pac i can clearly see serratus and the outline of my abs and the V lines , dont know man its 9.5% and there is no 6 pac. No point of lying gives me no fucking benefit Inbody 230 it could be innacurrate as shit fuck if i know i could be a little fucking piggy.
Dude you need to read up. You Need to understand pct first . You don't use one because it's the same as the other but cheaper It doesn't work like that , they all three work in synergy . As far as prami goes what do you do with that . Wait till you're up typing why do I feel like I'm about to puke because you over did it . You're 19 , we all new everything and how life was going to pan out at that age to ... WRONG. There are a lot of consequences here . TrenD please it's 7 times stronger than test and if you are an A hole you will be a supercharged a hole of epic proportion . I'm not being a dick but I see young guys daily on these boards that type this same program . They get pissed at the 10k post vets because they don't tell them what they want to hear and the cycle continues. You are not prepared for the end of this cycle.

I take low doses of Prami. Im not trying to milk my tits from the tren, my buddy ran it without anything to control prolactin and he could milk himself. Letro might be cheaper than aromasin but it works better for me. I read up on PCT for countless hours and clomid isnt required nolva by itself is more than enough. Based on my findings ofcourse i could be wrong. 4th day on tren and im actually more calm than i was before, actually when people provoke me i just walk away i like to be left alone im not being bias about it, this is how i really feel on it, i have no intentions of hurting somebody or talking shit, i just look at objects and think to myself, hmmm i could probably bench that or i could break that if i punched it ill look at a certain amount of weight and ill have no fear to go try it i tried the 150 dumbells today did 1 rep and they fell on my chest so that was real fucking cool. Maybe thinking im superman isnt always good?
I had exactly the same attitude and training and AAS when I was younger, but I didn't start cycling till I was 23. But it was a simalar type of course.

I sense your gonna do this no matter what, so let's see if we can help, have you considered running compounds at a lower dose to start? A slow build up to gauge reactions?

Tren is powerful, it will change you as a person. Both mentally and physically. If this is your first cycle I would consider using it later on. When you need to. And winny? Fuck that dude. First cycle..... Your joints are gonna be screwed. At 19 your indestructible..... But AAS can take its toll.

Have a little think about what you want from this cycle. You wanna get lean? Test/npp/var is a perfect combo.

This is just me opinion. But think about future cycles also if your in it for the long haul.

And pct in my opinion is more important than the course. Don't wanna damage your natty test at your ages. Some guys just don't recover after cycle and its trt for life. I was one of the lucky ones. I recovered but it was hard. Knocked out 2 kids. But I know my natty is now low with bloods to confirm. Maybe age? Maybe past abuse.... Who knows.