First cycle


New member
My first cycle:

Interpharm Labs USA

10ml Sustanon250
10ml Deca-Durabolin200
60 tabs of Nolvadex
10000IU of HCG

1cc of Sustanon (sust) and Deca per week for 10 weeks. 3 weeks from last injections of Sustanon (sust) and Deca I started Post cycle, taking 3 Nolva a day for 20 days and 5000IU of Human Chorionic Gonadotropin (HCG) per week for 2 weeks.

Results: Gained 25 pounds, very satisfied
The Sustanon at 500mg a week for 14 weeks is a great first cycle! I really think you would like this a whole lot instead of having 2 chemicals in your system that you do not know which one is doing what either good or bad (side effects) and know what to take to get ride of them if you get any.

2) If you are going to add the deca u have to up it a bit to at least 300+ and if you do this you will have to up test to above the deca level so make it like 400-500mg of test.

Just some stuff to think about