First Cycle


New member
Hey guys just ending week 2 of my current cycle. If you want to know about my reasons behind AAS, feel free to look at my previous thread.


~Week 1-13 (however long it takes to kill the 3 vials) of Ambrowave Test E 250mg E3D

1-13 Exemestane 25mg EOD

15-19 Tamoxifen Citrate 20mg ED

Any comments are welcome (is my post cycle therapy (pct) ok?)

I started this cycle unfortunately coming off of being sick for a week, but was tired of putting it off for a few weeks already. My rough stats just before cycle (not quite PRs but close, these were my stats first day of working out after being sick):
bodyfat idono really high teens if i had to guess but really no clue.. wear jeans about 38
benching (shitty i know) 225 x2-3
squat 365x5ish

I'll let you guys all know how it goes

Ambrowave Test went in quads amazingly easily for my first two shots ever, no soreness at all; used 23G 1.5". Some soreness in the day after I did it in the side delts with 23G 1", but not real bad.
your post cycle therapy (pct) should be more like 40/20/20 atleast. the first week run 40mg of nolva and the 2nd-3rd or 2nd-4th you can run 20mg. what are you gains like so far
looking forward to seeing your should get the MODs to move this to the my cycle forum and keep us updated.....I hope this helps your ballgame.
PMed a mod to move...

just coming to the beginning of week 4, did pin #8 yesterday... definitely felt gains yesterday it was awesome! one week ago my sets of bench i was still failing on the 3rd rep of 225 before spot, yesterday didn't need the spotter until the 6th and last rep of 225.. that was incredible to me based off how freakin long i've been stuck in the same goddamn place!! today is squat day i'm excited to see how it goes. unfortunately i woke up feeling slightly sick... soar throat and nasty cough hopefully this shit doesnt hold me back

gear has been completely painless to this point in both the quads and all except for once in the delts. will probably try glutes next just seems awkward to do yourself
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thats awesome bro-glad to see that bench climbing.....dont let this cold hold you back-keep hammering the weights-you should notice the biggest increase in strength in the next couple weeks.
Yep definitely loving it!!! squat day went good, hit all reps of 3 sets ending at 365x5.. same as i said before the cycle but without the set before it, and i'll see next week how i do with uppin the weight finally!
Just posting occasional updates here... Midway through week 5

Had a great day. Upper body day benched set of 5 at 225, and then set of 245 only needed a small spot on reps #4 and 5.. Feels great!!

Usually forget to weigh myself in the training room but I weighed 254 after working out last week Thursday I believe.. Started cycle at 245 and definitely feel like i might have lost a little fat as well.. Not sure how much bloat though..
im sure you did lose some fat!!! keep the updates coming!!! so your benched has increased!! the next couple weeks should be great!
My next update...

Unfortunately ran into a problem in Week 7 and 8. Got a nasty stomach flu, everything i ate and drank for a week came out...unpleasantly. Muscles really suffered mostly because my diet went to hell.. Still lifted most of the time... including had to do a test on bench when i hadn't eaten in 2 days... that test i did 8 reps of 225. probably could have done more at 100% but still a good improvement for me.

Most recently though when I'm trying to get back on track for the last 4 weeks of my cycle my numbers have been getting back up... hoping to still end these last six weeks with a new PR every week... (hoping :P)
Bench: 205x5, 225x5, 245x5 with a spot on the 5th rep
Squat: 315x5, 365x5, 385x5, went for a set of 405 but only got 1 good rep