First Cycle


New member
Hi guys,

I actually never took any steroids before and now I decided to start. However, I'd like to clarify something about me and about what I want so it can help you give me the best advice.

I'm almost 34 years old. I'm a little over weight. My body is more fat than muscles. I drink a lot of juice and coffee, but I don't drink water. I truly feel like a jellyfish. I also do not exercise at all (I'm not saying this is what I will keep on doing, I'm just saying my current situation). So I want to lose fat, build hard muscles, and I don't want to bulk at all. Therefore, I need an advice for steroids that gives hard muscles, kills fat, does not store water, and does not bulk. I was planning on taking GH, winstrol, and T3 with exercise and diet of course. So can you guys please give me an advice on what I should take, how much I should take, and for how long. I mean I want a good cycle for what I described.

Eat right and start training.

x2 it sounds like your looking for an easy way out. This stuff takes hard work. Most of us have been strict with diet and training for years before taking performance enhancing supplements. Diet is 90 percent of this. Consistency is key.
Thank you all for the reply. I will do exactly what you guys said. However, the problem is when I did go on diet and train before, my muscles improved and was stronger, but it was still quite soft and there was some muscles that I worked out a lot for and didn't improve even one percent! It was as if there is no muscle at all in that area... it felt like pure flesh and no matter how hard and long I worked it out, it never got better. And thats the reason I wanted to take GH and winny... if you think there is another way to deal with what I described, please advice me.

You have to give it time and be honestly consistent with your diet. If your not losing weight its because your taking in too many calories. You are not ready for GH and Winstrol (winny), plus Winstrol (winny) sucks and should never be run by itself. You clearly have no knowledge of steroids. Go see 3J in the diet section. That would be the best decision you ever made. For a fee he will set you up with a diet and coach you on it to make sure you make progess. You can continue to study up on AAS and consider taking somewhere down the line but not in the near future. Just my 2 cents.
Yea what these guys say is true. Your not ready, clean up your diet, train consistantly for atleast a year, do A LOT of research, and then....test only cycle with a cutting diet.
Well, you guys are the experts, so I'll just do that then :)

I started the diet and workout today. I will be consistent about it, and I'll be back when I'm ready ;)

Thanks for the help guys.