First IGF1 lr3 and MGF cycle


New member
This will be a weekly updated post about my experience using these two peptides. I started today using them. I did 100mcg of MGF into each calf and then 30 minutes later did 50mcg of igf sub injection.
I will only do MGF on days I work my calves because those are my weakest parts and hard gainer. If I understand correctly, MGF is site specific. So I'm curious to see the results. IGF I will only use on wo days at 50mcg. I will be training with weights 5 days a week. That will give me the 20 dosage at 50mcg over the course of a month and then I will take a month off from the IGF. I will continue with the MGF for 20 days as well and then take a month off. After the month of use I will try a different peptide combination before starting back with IGF/MGF.
This is a 6 month process I will do. I am interested to see how these peptides help with my current joint and tendon issues I have. Also how it affects my body fat and muscle growth. Not looking for massive gains. I can use other stuff for that. All that I will be taking is BCAA's, protein supplement, and clean food.

My current stats:
42 yrs old
6'4" tall
maybe 20% bf..never checked it
Never used any type of substance.
If any of you have any input it will be greatly appreciated.
Started 2nd week today. So far I have dropped about 2lbs. My right shoulder pain is not as intense as it used to be when doing certain exercises. I did start noticing myself more tired than usual though. Other than that, nothing else to report.
If you have some injuries you are trying to heal I recommend checking out the TB500, I have been using it in conjunction with the IGF. I have noticed improvement in the speed of recovery for a long time injury I have in my leg. The 2 combine to seriously help with inflamation and recovery.
So far I've gotten the "have you been working out?" question from my coworkers. I haven't taken any measurements since I began and probably wont until a few months down the line. My weight is also going down with no shortage of food that I'm consuming. I thought I was taking 50mcg but it turned out to be 60mcg so I'm a few days short of IGF. It's ok because I will just start the ghrp 2 and mod grf next week.
Sounds good man. I hardly noticed anything on my current cycle, but one day I was looking in the mirror and was like "D@MN! Where'd you guys come from?" All at once I noticed my back was bulging, my arms were cutting, and for the first time I see the outline abs. And I felt the need to go get blood work done after a month and a half because I couldn't really see anything happening. mod grf and ghrp are sneaky, just wait it out if you get discouraged.
Sounds good man. I hardly noticed anything on my current cycle, but one day I was looking in the mirror and was like "D@MN! Where'd you guys come from?" All at once I noticed my back was bulging, my arms were cutting, and for the first time I see the outline abs. And I felt the need to go get blood work done after a month and a half because I couldn't really see anything happening. mod grf and ghrp are sneaky, just wait it out if you get discouraged.

How did the bloodwork look?

High hgh/igf levels?
Didn't have my IGF levels checked but the reference for human growth hormone serum was 0.0-2.9 and my level was 39.8 10 minutes post injection 100 mcg Mod GRF 200 mcg ghrp-2
Cool. I did a lot of research about the peps before testing so I knew it wouldn't be an over night thing. Took the first dose this morning 30 minutes before I worked out. For now I'll take the fat loss!
Quick update. Been using ghrp 2 and mod grf for 2 weeks now. This week is the start of the 3rd week. 5 days on 2 off at 100x2 and sometimes 100x3 like today. Noticing some muscle hardness and better sleep at night. I'm not waking up in the middle of the night like I used too.
Thought I'd update this since I hadn't done it in a while. I'm currently using ghrp2/mod grf 100x3 a day. Still getting good sleep at night. I'm not getting soreness the day after no matter how hard I workout. Before I would be very sore but in a good way.
I will say I did switch over to purchase peptides since labpe stopped carrying the peps. Some of you say they might not be a good source but I tried them anyway. I also started melanotan II 4 days ago from pp. It works! I got a little too dark. I started with 250mcg at bedtime for 3 nights and 500mcg on the the 4th night. The morning after and off and on during the day I felt nauseous. The sexual part is also true.
I have a few more days until I run out of the ghrp2/modgrf. At that point I will go back to IGF LR3.
The endurance/energy in the gym is there. As tired as I was last night I worked out anyway. I could have stayed all night but my gf was ready to go. I feel this most of the time as well.
Thought I'd update this since I hadn't done it in a while. I'm currently using ghrp2/mod grf 100x3 a day. Still getting good sleep at night. I'm not getting soreness the day after no matter how hard I workout. Before I would be very sore but in a good way.
I will say I did switch over to purchase peptides since labpe stopped carrying the peps. Some of you say they might not be a good source but I tried them anyway. I also started melanotan II 4 days ago from pp. It works! I got a little too dark. I started with 250mcg at bedtime for 3 nights and 500mcg on the the 4th night. The morning after and off and on during the day I felt nauseous. The sexual part is also true.
I have a few more days until I run out of the ghrp2/modgrf. At that point I will go back to IGF LR3.

awesome log! thanks!

as for PP: I don't like how the owner conducts himself, so I stick with rui mostly.
I am happy you didn't have an issue this time with them... but go for feedback not price when doing research on a shop. In the long run you will have a better outcome.

I have read some feedback about his attitude towards customers so I can understand what you're talking about. I even read some of his replies to those customers lol. He does seem very quick to attack. Surprises me that pp is still around tho.
So Ive been out of the gym for 2 weeks as of today. I usually take the last 7 days of the month off from the gym anyway to let my body recoup from the hell I put it through that month. That month includes my 12 hour a day moderate work depending on the weather. The 2nd week I was drained due to working 9 days straight.
Anyway, I have only been taking 100mcg of mod grf before bed only because I don't have enough of it to use with the 5mg of grhp2 that I have. I don't really want to use the ghrp while I'm off anyway. Not sure if it matters or not if I did but I'd rather use it when I'm back to working out.
My eating is 5-6 meals per day with 1-4 being bigger meals than I should be eating. the last 5-6 are light snacks. My weight hasn't gone up. If anything, it goes down a tad or stays the same.
Yesterday, saturday, which is my cheat day...let me say it was not the best. For dinner I had a 10oz blue cheese bacon cheeseburger with all the toppings, fries, and a 20oz mellow yellow. Took my usual 100mcg shot of mod grf. Now i was for sure that I would have been up at least 3-5lbs in the morning. Stepped on the scale this morning and my weight was .6lbs lower than saturday morning.
I'm still getting a restful nights sleep meaning I'm not waking up like I used to. But by midday I was getting exhausted or lack of energy to do anything after work. It's sunday, I've had some time to recover and I will be back in the gym this evening.