First IGF1 lr3 and MGF cycle

Forgot the mt 2..I havent used it since may 25th because I just wanted to try it out and got too dark doing so. I have lightened up some since then but some of the color is still there. I give it another 2-3 weeks before I'm back to normal. My gf has been on it since I started it but she took no more than .500mcg. She is now starting her maintenance phase at either .250 or .500mcg per week. She has a few small moles that have appeared but they are few and very small.
We did both notice that our face and arms got darker more than the rest of the body.
Here's the latest update. Around the last week of june I had a very painful sciatic nerve situation. It happened while doing some deadlifts. Nothing to heavy either. In any case, it took me out of the gym a week ago. I am now back on mod grf and grhp2. I have also started using TB4 at the saturation dosage of 4mg a week with this being my second week.
Now, I have also started with AICAR as of this morning. And today was a good day to try it because I stayed up too late and woke up too early which made me very tired for a full days work. I only took 1mg around 7am. For most of the morning and early afternoon I was still tired and slow moving. By 2-2:30pm its like I got a jolt of energy.
I deliver packages for a large brown shipping company. I literally sprinted from the truck to peoples doors and back with no loss of breath. I could have ran full speed but that would have been a little too much.
In any case, not sure if it was from the aicar or what but usually I get winded when I do any form of running. Tomorrow I will up the dose to 2 or 3 mg and see what happens.
One more thing I noticed was I wasn't as thirsty as I usually am. After I realized that I downed a bottle of water just to be safe.
Didn't have my IGF levels checked but the reference for human growth hormone serum was 0.0-2.9 and my level was 39.8 10 minutes post injection 100 mcg Mod GRF 200 mcg ghrp-2

Wow nice ! can you post a copy of the bloods? Had you eaten anything when you did the injection and blood work ?