FIRST PCT, Need advice !!!!


New member
So 2 weeks after my 12 week Test e cycle i started a PCT of Chlomid 50/50/50/50, Nolva 40/40/20/20
Used Aromasin 9.37mg/ ED on cycle and stopped it soon as i started PCT.

I'm 1 week in to PCT, Starting Week 2 tomorrow and just wanted some clarification.

I'm still able to get it up and still getting morning wood so bit confused by that as i thought your sex drive die's.

My testicles never really shrunk much I'de say they shrunk like 10-20% (if that) and my gear was real because i got a blood test done half way through cycle which showed i was shutdown and had extremely high levels of Testosterone.

I think I'm slightly depressed and emotional but i was expecting this anyway. Ive never been depressed before so don't know for sure if i am, Just things that happened in the past are getting to me now (relationship stuff) like it was just yesterday and dont feel to excited about things.

Tell me this feeling is only temporary lol! Why is this anyway because of Low T, Chlomid or Nolva? would love to know.

And when does it usually start getting better emotion wise, After PCT or like 3-4 weeks in ?

Its nothing i cant handle but just annoying.

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Sounds like PCT to me. Clomid and Nolva can have nasty sides too. Stay healthy, positive, and continue to train hard. It'll pass.
Sounds like PCT to me. Clomid and Nolva can have nasty sides too. Stay healthy, positive, and continue to train hard. It'll pass.

Yep to many friends have stopped training and eating like shit PCT time, but me never...

Going to carry on hitting them weights and meeting them calorie goals everyday even with feeling like a bitch lol.
I get emotional, lethargic and depressed too once I start my post cycle therapy (pct). However for me it usually passes within 1 week, also I take a supplement called GABA year round that I swear by that helps too. It could be total placebo but it helps with a feeling of well being, stable mood, etc.
my libido went down a lot when i was on clomid. but after pct, it went back to normal. depression is pretty common, but its pretty manageable. just continue to train hard, put ur shoulder down and plow through it bro.

My testicles have blown up wtf lol they actually did shrink

I think they must of shrunk very slowly so i didnt notice,
Just checked them other day n was like woaa

Startin to feel horny n get random borners, felt extremly horny today had to bust all kind of nuts lol.

Are these all good signs im recovering?? Im 2 weeks into PCT 4 weeks from last shot

My testicles have blown up wtf lol they actually did shrink

I think they must of shrunk very slowly so i didnt notice,
Just checked them other day n was like woaa

Startin to feel horny n get random borners, felt extremly horny today had to bust all kind of nuts lol.

Are these all good signs im recovering?? Im 2 weeks into PCT 4 weeks from last shot

Not really of recovery. The SERM's in PCT will raise test levels while trying to jump start endogenous production. You'll need bloodwork a few weeks after completion of PCT to evaluate if it was effective or not but the signs you're getting now are good in that the drugs are working and you more than likely have some test in your system from the clomid and Nolva combo.
Update: 2 weeks 2 days in switched to 20 mg nolva 2 days ago. Still on 50mg chlomid

Still depressed as hell! Maneagable but still hope this goes soon.

Im dwellin on the past in stead of lookin to the future.

When does this depressed feelin go for everyone else
UPDATE: thought ide let everyone know.

Everythings back to normal now thank god

Sex drive is back, depression is gone.

Going to get bloods tmoz as its been 4 weeks after post cycle therapy (pct).

Will defo be adding Human Chorionic Gonadotropin (HCG) next time round.

Happy cycling :)
UPDATE: thought ide let everyone know.

Everythings back to normal now thank god

Sex drive is back, depression is gone.

Going to get bloods tmoz as its been 4 weeks after post cycle therapy (pct).

Will defo be adding Human Chorionic Gonadotropin (HCG) next time round.

Happy cycling :)

Hey everyone 3 and a half years on... I am back :D

my testosterone levels feel perfect now. I had 2 children since then :D

I am planning my second cycle after 3.5 years of natty training :D
Hey everyone 3 and a half years on... I am back :D

my testosterone levels feel perfect now. I had 2 children since then :D

I am planning my second cycle after 3.5 years of natty training :D
good to have you back and to hear all is well with the homies. whats your next cycle going to be?