So 2 weeks after my 12 week Test e cycle i started a PCT of Chlomid 50/50/50/50, Nolva 40/40/20/20
Used Aromasin 9.37mg/ ED on cycle and stopped it soon as i started PCT.
I'm 1 week in to PCT, Starting Week 2 tomorrow and just wanted some clarification.
I'm still able to get it up and still getting morning wood so bit confused by that as i thought your sex drive die's.
My testicles never really shrunk much I'de say they shrunk like 10-20% (if that) and my gear was real because i got a blood test done half way through cycle which showed i was shutdown and had extremely high levels of Testosterone.
I think I'm slightly depressed and emotional but i was expecting this anyway. Ive never been depressed before so don't know for sure if i am, Just things that happened in the past are getting to me now (relationship stuff) like it was just yesterday and dont feel to excited about things.
Tell me this feeling is only temporary lol! Why is this anyway because of Low T, Chlomid or Nolva? would love to know.
And when does it usually start getting better emotion wise, After PCT or like 3-4 weeks in ?
Its nothing i cant handle but just annoying.
Used Aromasin 9.37mg/ ED on cycle and stopped it soon as i started PCT.
I'm 1 week in to PCT, Starting Week 2 tomorrow and just wanted some clarification.
I'm still able to get it up and still getting morning wood so bit confused by that as i thought your sex drive die's.
My testicles never really shrunk much I'de say they shrunk like 10-20% (if that) and my gear was real because i got a blood test done half way through cycle which showed i was shutdown and had extremely high levels of Testosterone.
I think I'm slightly depressed and emotional but i was expecting this anyway. Ive never been depressed before so don't know for sure if i am, Just things that happened in the past are getting to me now (relationship stuff) like it was just yesterday and dont feel to excited about things.
Tell me this feeling is only temporary lol! Why is this anyway because of Low T, Chlomid or Nolva? would love to know.
And when does it usually start getting better emotion wise, After PCT or like 3-4 weeks in ?
Its nothing i cant handle but just annoying.
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