First pin of sustanon coming soon


New member
Getting ready for my frist pin of sustanon, this is my first cycle also. I plan to run 2cc a week for 12 weeks of sust only, I will have nolvadex on hand, and plan to run it 3 weeks after my last pin. Do you think I should run an Aromatase inhibitor (AI) doing my cycle or is it ok to run sust only? My diet is good now but I will uping it soon to get ready for the sust.
Im new to this so im looking for help, I don't want to do it wrong and find out the hard way.

Im 38
Sustanton needs to be pin eod due to the short ester in it to keep blood levels from fluctuating which decreases the chance of sides. You should have an Aromatase inhibitor (AI) like aromasin on hand in case of gyno or high estro signs. You should run clomid along with nolva and your Aromatase inhibitor (AI) in post cycle therapy (pct). Clomid 50/50/50/50 nolva 40/40/20/20 and aromasin 12.5 Ed. Check out You can find all those things there. They're cheap and legit.

To take ful advantage of the prop. ester it needs to be pinned e o d or e 3 rd...However..i m o 2 a week and the resulting fluctuations will PROBABLY be undetectable unless your very sensitive to slight variances in blood level s... like...say... me.