first sustanon 250 cycle


New member
started my first cycle yesterday since it will be my first i dont want to go over board.
10% bodyfat

I after reading i'm going to start at 250 a week 125 every 4 days. If the sides arnt bad then jump to 500 a week. have armidex clomid and nolva ready if needed.

diet right now is eat everything i can. Bf doesnt really matter right now so i'm just making sure i eat high protien and carb meals. i'll post pictures as soon as i get a week or two in.

also at 12 hours into the first pin, should i feel anything? I dont know if its just a mind thing but i actually feel more "ready to go" or pumped and just feel good. I pinned my thigh with a 22g x1 and its a bit sore nothing more then how anyother shot has felt but not red or swollen so hoping i did right.
any thoughts or imput would be great
Don't waste your time with 250 / wk. It's not enough. Do 250mg E3D instead right from the get-go.

What you feel is called the placebo effect.
5th week in on sust 250 (500mg week) and just stating to notice Effects in gym. even so, nothing dramatic
Don't waste your time with 250 / wk. It's not enough. Do 250mg E3D instead right from the get-go.

What you feel is called the placebo effect.

the other dose is just Hormone Replacement Therapy (HRT) amount. do 250mg 2X a week from start.

clomid is for post cycle therapy (pct), use an Aromatase inhibitor (AI) for estrogen<gyno control
What Aromatase inhibitor (AI) or PCT layout would you guys suggest for his cycle?

2-3 weeks after last shot start PCT: 35-50mg clomid ed and 20mg tamox ed

AI from week 1-start of pct (not into it as its unneeded as your levels should be low at this point): letro 0.25mg eod or the dex (I dont use it so i will let others rec dose)