First Test Cycle- Need Some Opinions


New member
First Cycle gonna start up in a few weeks

To get it out of the way- 6'1 1/2, 200LBS, 14% BF

Running Test E 500mg/wk (250 monday / 250 thursday)
AI- Aromasin 10mg ED

Nolva 40/40/20/20/20/20
HCG 500iu/wk for 4 weeks

My question- is it more beneficial to not take the Aromasin ED 10mg on cycle, and save it for say, 20mg ED during PCT?
Or would you recommend both, on cycle and bumping it up during PCT? I know im somewhat prone to gyno from a stupid PH "cycle" i ran a few years back so better safe than sorry.
Keep Aromasin for cycle. Its an ai not a serm. U can run nolva and Clomid for pct. Hcg can be used in-between cycle and pct. U can read up on first cycles in the stickys.