First Test E and anadrol/dbol cycle, 20 y/o


New member
Previously done 2 prohormone cycles.

Now feel ready for the real thing and am going to be taking:

week 1-4 anadrol or dbol, not sure which to go with as anadrol may be to much for first cycle?

Week 1-12 Test E 500mg per week 2 250mg injections monday and thurday

will be taking support supplements as well, what is best to prevent gyno?


week 14-18- clomid 100-100-50-50, nolvadex 40-40-20-20

Body stats-

Age- 20

Weight 185 pounds

bodyfat 10%

years lifting - 3
also running my first cycle man, currently test e and Anavar (var), heard some heavy shit with anadrol, i've been recommended to use dbol on a first cycle by quite a few guys, figure if they've done it before they know what they're talking about... i'm using arimadex 0.5mg eod and i dont have any signs of gyno, any hcg for your cycle?

all the best man!
cheers man i will try that and use dbol instead of anadrol as its first cycle and adex for an AI,
How much weight can you expect to gain off this as a first cycle?