first test e and Dbol cycle for BB contest.NEED HELP PLEASE


New member
Hello i am almost 19 y/o..I have started lifting before i became 16,so 3+ years..i know its not a lot and it was wrong because i didn't rich my full height potential and generally stunted my growth. i am 181 lbs and 5.83 feet with 7-8% body fat.i lift heavy and i i have a bodybuilders lifestyle..i sacrifice everything for my gains..i gave done a supplement cycle in the past mostly for shredding and i take creatine nearly 10 months now. i am doing this introduction in order for you understand that i am not a kid that started working out yesterday and wants to take roids to go to the beach. my dream is to go a local BB competition and take the first prize, the show starts in 2 months from now so lets get to the point. i did research and created a ''teen'' cycle for me because i am very afraid of steroids side effects. the cycle will be 5 weeks with dianabol and test e.about those i am pretty sure that i have the right dosages for me and that will work with my training and nutrition but the pct are my main concern.

here is my cycle:
sunday: 300iu HCG, 25mg Dbol
monday:10mg aromasin, 30mg Dbol
tuesday:175ml test E, 30mg Dbol
wednesday:10mg aromasin, 30mg Dbol
thursday:300iu HCG, 30mg Dbol i want to mention that the days with 25mg Dbol will be without training.
friday:10mg aromasin, 25mg Dbol
saturday:175ml test E, 30mg Dbol

and after those 5 weeks of this exactly quantities i was thinking to continue for 2 more weeks taking 20 mg aromasin EOD(every other day) and only if testicle shrinkage is observed 300iu Human Chorionic Gonadotropin (HCG) twice a week.
also a very important thing with my cycle is that didn't add a SERM in my PCT because i believe the estrogen that will be built with such a light cycle can be controlled with aromasin only.please tell me if clomid, nolva is necessary but pl concern that these are even heavier drugs than those mentioned above and the cycle is brief an pretty light, ''teen''..and 1 week after i the last pct i will take i will start 25 grams ED creatine( which i will stop for the cycle) with some vitamin C..
I have to mention that my teen cycle is nearly completely inspired from a heavyiron's post in this forum about beginer cycles.
Thank you in advance for reading this and please dont flame me because i am 19..i already concerned that and i am a very dedicated and responsible person and this will be my first and my LAST cycle in order to win this BB contest. and sorry for asking too much but is it possible my hormone production system shut down forever because of this cycle? PLEASE HELP ME!! THANKS AGAIN
sorry for my bad English i also try hard to learn them too..if you have any grammar question or didn't understand something because my English are bad please ask me.thanks again
so but for being impatient but i really this cycle is running through my mind all day PLEASE HELP ME WITH KNOELEDGE!!
You have eight weeks for a competition, I say go natural for this man. Your cycle is based on being able to go for at LEAST 4-8 weeks longer than you have, which doesn't even give you time to shed any of that wet weight from the test/dbol. I'm not even going to get into your age since you know you're too young based on your introduction. If you are serious, then you have to put in the time - you can't just jump on a cycle and expect to have a winning physique in 8 weeks.

My .02c :)
You have eight weeks for a competition, I say go natural for this man. Your cycle is based on being able to go for at LEAST 4-8 weeks longer than you have, which doesn't even give you time to shed any of that wet weight from the test/dbol. I'm not even going to get into your age since you know you're too young based on your introduction. If you are serious, then you have to put in the time - you can't just jump on a cycle and expect to have a winning physique in 8 weeks.

My .02c :)
thank you very much for your reply but i know one competitor in my region that is bigger than me and he has very similar genes with me..and really it will be the only competition i will go in my life and then no more BB for me but i really need win and i am willing to do damage to my liver and generally my organism by taking some NO booster 1 week before the show..the only that will stop is if this 5 week cycle will shut down my hormone production forever. thanks again and please comment the cycle if you have time..:)
thank you very much for your reply but i know one competitor in my region that is bigger than me and he has very similar genes with me..and really it will be the only competition i will go in my life and then no more BB for me but i really need win and i am willing to do damage to my liver and generally my organism by taking some NO booster 1 week before the show..the only that will stop is if this 5 week cycle will shut down my hormone production forever. thanks again and please comment the cycle if you have time..:)

Nobody can tell you if/when your hormone production will permanently become damaged from AAS use. I just don't think this cycle will do for you what you want it to do. I do not compete personally, but everything I know about it tells me there is a process. Bulk=>Cut=>Pre-competition stage. You're trying to put together a bunch of compounds at the last minute that might put size on you, but you'll look all watery and lack definition in my opinion. This is why I say go natural for this competition and use it as a learning experience. THEN you can start a proper cycle that will put more size on you with time to shed the water/fat that comes with a bulk and compete properly.

A NO booster likely won't do much for you given your goals, but it's not going to hurt any as far as I know. Just keep eating right and hit those weights hard for now imo. Good luck!
Nobody can tell you if/when your hormone production will permanently become damaged from AAS use. I just don't think this cycle will do for you what you want it to do. I do not compete personally, but everything I know about it tells me there is a process. Bulk=>Cut=>Pre-competition stage. You're trying to put together a bunch of compounds at the last minute that might put size on you, but you'll look all watery and lack definition in my opinion. This is why I say go natural for this competition and use it as a learning experience. THEN you can start a proper cycle that will put more size on you with time to shed the water/fat that comes with a bulk and compete properly.

A NO booster likely won't do much for you given your goals, but it's not going to hurt any as far as I know. Just keep eating right and hit those weights hard for now imo. Good luck!
thank you very much again..but really i WANT to win this competition and it is the only chance i more BB for me after that i will keep doing some weight training but very few and i will start martial arts and focus in them..also i haven't mentioned that i already own my ''staff'' and i own more quantities that i am refering in my cycle so please advise me how can i exploit the most out of those two AAS for my mass gaining goal..and also about the estrogen control..will i need a SERM for this cycle or the Aromatase inhibitor (AI) inhibitor is enough? sorry for replying like an idiot that doesn't consider what you say but please understand my situation..thanks again:)
thank you very much again..but really i WANT to win this competition and it is the only chance i more BB for me after that i will keep doing some weight training but very few and i will start martial arts and focus in them..also i haven't mentioned that i already own my ''staff'' and i own more quantities that i am refering in my cycle so please advise me how can i exploit the most out of those two AAS for my mass gaining goal..and also about the estrogen control..will i need a SERM for this cycle or the Aromatase inhibitor (AI) inhibitor is enough? sorry for replying like an idiot that doesn't consider what you say but please understand my situation..thanks again:)

I'm sorry man, but at 18 I just can't in good conscience advise you on AAS usage. I think you're letting your desires for a quick win to cloud your judgement which may have consequences later on in life. If you have no plans on pursuing bb'ing after this competition, then taking a chance at killing your natural production is just a bad idea. All I can suggest is that you read the stickies at the top of the AAS section and learn about AI's/SERM's and proper cycles. Nobody is going to stop you if this is what you truly want to do, but I'm certainly not going to help you potentially hurt yourself. I hope you understand.

Good luck. :)