Hi everyone.
New poster. Sorry in advance if the questions are elementary, dumb, or don't all belong here, but I could really use some help.
39 years old. 18 years of serious lifting. 198 lbs, 10% bodyfat. Wanted to go AAS way for a long time, but had problems with varicocele and spermcount for like a decade. 3 surgeries. Just got my second kid and I will surely never want another. Diet ist implemented and good. Wont bother you with it. Bloodwork is done, all good. I am one of those that see makros by just looking at the food after so many years of lifting. Got good "aesthetics genetic", except for sh*tty calves in my eyes, lose or gain weight is easy for me. New lean muscle at my age, not any more.
Here is what I wanna do:
- Week 1 to 12: Testosterone enanthate @ 250 mg every 3.5 days (500mg/week total), pharma grade.
- Week 1 to 12: hCG @ 250 iu every 3.5 days (500 iu/week total)
- Week 1 to 14: Arimidex @ 0.25mg every other day (From day 2 up until PCT starts)***
- Week 15-18: Clomid @ 75/50/50/50 & Nolvadex @ 40/20/20/20
I already have everything, everything is from the pharmacy. Also all the supplements, needles, swabs, you name it.
I would appreciate not trying to convince me to add another compound, change the dosages etc. Question 1 is the only thing I may change:
1. AI on hand or take from the start?
I nevert hought I would reconsider anything, but I am seriously reconsidering leaving AI out and having it on hand. In case of gyno symptoms, start Adex, Tamoxifen 20mg a day for two weeks, 10 mg ed till it's gone? If this scenario were to happen: I countinue AI till PCT starts(dose depending on E2) and I simply stop Tamoxifen after gyno symptoms are gone? And does anything change on the initial PCT plan in this case?
I am realistic. I do not expect to gain and keep 12 kg of new muscle when all is over. In fact I would be VERY happy with 12 pounds or even a little less.
2. My 5000 IU Hcg vials are very small. I really hope I could inject 2 CCs of water in it to mix. BAC water is a problem, I would have to order from abroad or make it my self with BA and Injection water(don't bother with this, I will take care of it).
I am kinda afraid of destroying the rubber cap of such a small vial by pulling 0.1 CCs/250 IU 20 times.
Is it ok to pull out 20 doses right away through the same needle right after initial mixing and simply keep 20 ready injections in a dark container in the fridge?
3. I am a high intensity guy, always been able to make as little as 12 sets per bigger bodyparts work. But I can make any split work for me. I recover very well. I will keep this one simple: although I don't base my bodypart training on "per week", would you rather go once or twice per week when on cycle, vaguely? Would frequency made a small or a big difference, if at all?
4. If all goes well, I highly doubt this will be my only cycle. I would like to prevent prostate issues like from right now, already. Would taking cialis like 5mg eod help with prostate and blood pressure? I tried 2.5mg a couple times, had unwanted erections for like a week, and headaches. But if it has benefits, I would be willing to cope with headaches.
5. Should I even bother training calves?
Thank you
New poster. Sorry in advance if the questions are elementary, dumb, or don't all belong here, but I could really use some help.
39 years old. 18 years of serious lifting. 198 lbs, 10% bodyfat. Wanted to go AAS way for a long time, but had problems with varicocele and spermcount for like a decade. 3 surgeries. Just got my second kid and I will surely never want another. Diet ist implemented and good. Wont bother you with it. Bloodwork is done, all good. I am one of those that see makros by just looking at the food after so many years of lifting. Got good "aesthetics genetic", except for sh*tty calves in my eyes, lose or gain weight is easy for me. New lean muscle at my age, not any more.
Here is what I wanna do:
- Week 1 to 12: Testosterone enanthate @ 250 mg every 3.5 days (500mg/week total), pharma grade.
- Week 1 to 12: hCG @ 250 iu every 3.5 days (500 iu/week total)
- Week 1 to 14: Arimidex @ 0.25mg every other day (From day 2 up until PCT starts)***
- Week 15-18: Clomid @ 75/50/50/50 & Nolvadex @ 40/20/20/20
I already have everything, everything is from the pharmacy. Also all the supplements, needles, swabs, you name it.
I would appreciate not trying to convince me to add another compound, change the dosages etc. Question 1 is the only thing I may change:
1. AI on hand or take from the start?
I nevert hought I would reconsider anything, but I am seriously reconsidering leaving AI out and having it on hand. In case of gyno symptoms, start Adex, Tamoxifen 20mg a day for two weeks, 10 mg ed till it's gone? If this scenario were to happen: I countinue AI till PCT starts(dose depending on E2) and I simply stop Tamoxifen after gyno symptoms are gone? And does anything change on the initial PCT plan in this case?
I am realistic. I do not expect to gain and keep 12 kg of new muscle when all is over. In fact I would be VERY happy with 12 pounds or even a little less.
2. My 5000 IU Hcg vials are very small. I really hope I could inject 2 CCs of water in it to mix. BAC water is a problem, I would have to order from abroad or make it my self with BA and Injection water(don't bother with this, I will take care of it).
I am kinda afraid of destroying the rubber cap of such a small vial by pulling 0.1 CCs/250 IU 20 times.
Is it ok to pull out 20 doses right away through the same needle right after initial mixing and simply keep 20 ready injections in a dark container in the fridge?
3. I am a high intensity guy, always been able to make as little as 12 sets per bigger bodyparts work. But I can make any split work for me. I recover very well. I will keep this one simple: although I don't base my bodypart training on "per week", would you rather go once or twice per week when on cycle, vaguely? Would frequency made a small or a big difference, if at all?
4. If all goes well, I highly doubt this will be my only cycle. I would like to prevent prostate issues like from right now, already. Would taking cialis like 5mg eod help with prostate and blood pressure? I tried 2.5mg a couple times, had unwanted erections for like a week, and headaches. But if it has benefits, I would be willing to cope with headaches.
5. Should I even bother training calves?

Thank you