First time cycle need help..


New member
I'm looking to start cycling. My friend recomended hdrol/mdrol as a first timer. I have some info about pct, pre cycle etc, but I need some links to get hold of Mdrol/hdrol here in the UK, I need to know some info on it as well, being it my first time.
Don't even think about doing m-drol your first time. You're asking for trouble. Don't do any cycle if you're under 22. Stick on ology for a while and learn all you can about aas. Forget prohormones. If you still want to do ph than h-drol for 6 weeks would be a good start.

What is your age? height, weight and bf%?

It's not harsh on the liver and lipid profile. Eat clean, up your calories, train hard and you'll put on a lot of LEAN mass with no water retention as it doesn't aromatize. If you're going to do h-drol do 50mg your first week than increase to 75mg if your blood pressure is fine (which it should be). H-drol takes a few weeks to start seeing good gains. Get your blood work checked before cycle and test so you know what you're working with (although you're probably fine in that department cos its your first cycel).