So I've taken a couple prohormone cycles over the years and have taken a 30 day supply of Anavar as well, but I've never done a true steroid cycle. Instead of doing another prohormone cycle, my buddy who is a avid steroid user, talked me into getting the "good stuff." However, now that I have it, he's seemed to bail on giving me advice. I'm not looking for people to bash my non-researched decision, but I could really use the help. I have the following:
3 vials of Test
3 vials of EQ
1 bottle of Whinny
I have generic Novla as PCT (Tamodex Citrate) that I was going to do 20/20/10/10
1) Since this is my first cycle, is this too much? I don't want it to be too noticeable that I'm juicing because of my profession, which could lead to blood drawn testing (I'm a police officer)
2) Everywhere I read, people talk about mgs of injections (ex: 400 mgs of Test). Obviously as you all known, the injection needles are in ccs. So what's the conversion? This same buddy was telling me to take 1 cc of each every three days for 90 days. Does that make sense?
I would appreciate any and all help. I'm incredible nervous with injections to begin with but I would really like to use this stuff especially because of profession.
I'm 29, 5'10, 175lbs and have been lifting for years with a very clean diet.
3 vials of Test
3 vials of EQ
1 bottle of Whinny
I have generic Novla as PCT (Tamodex Citrate) that I was going to do 20/20/10/10
1) Since this is my first cycle, is this too much? I don't want it to be too noticeable that I'm juicing because of my profession, which could lead to blood drawn testing (I'm a police officer)
2) Everywhere I read, people talk about mgs of injections (ex: 400 mgs of Test). Obviously as you all known, the injection needles are in ccs. So what's the conversion? This same buddy was telling me to take 1 cc of each every three days for 90 days. Does that make sense?
I would appreciate any and all help. I'm incredible nervous with injections to begin with but I would really like to use this stuff especially because of profession.
I'm 29, 5'10, 175lbs and have been lifting for years with a very clean diet.