First time D-bol and Decca stack advice


New member
My gym partner is recommending me and him try a cycle of D-bol and Decca. This would be my first cycle so I'm doing as much research as possible, but figure I'll see what I can get on here.
I am 2-3 weeks off from finishing my cut. I'm 19 years old, 6 foot, 170 pounds, been working out for 3 years.
After I finish my cut, I'll be going on a 6 meal, 4000 calorie bulk. I'm in the gym 7 days a week, 5 days of lifting with light cardio, and 2 days of heavy cardio + light cardio.
I feel I'm disciplined enough to try a cycle, but what I wanna know the potential side affects are, how to avoid them as best as possible. Then of course, how much muscle can I roughly expect to gain on a cycle?
Thanks in advance
Your too young sorry. Your natty test levels are high already. Plus you only weigh a buck 70. Eat more. And most imp a deca dbol cycle is absolutely fucking horrible. And tell your gym partner to stop giving advice about something he has no fucking clue about
ya your too young just eat and lift you,ll grow wait till your little older you have youth on your side might as well take advantage of that youth , trust me i was a fricking 6 foot 4 rake i,m just looking into doing a cycle and i,m 40 lol i,m now 235lbs
Alright. I kind of figured that was the response I'd get. Was kind of looking for those answers so that I wouldn't be tempted into it.
Thanks guys
Agreed you're too young. Wait a few years and run a test only to begin. The bigger you get natty the bigger you will get on gear. I had a hard time putting weight on until i was 23, then after 25 it got easier now im about to turn 30 and its easy to size up. And as a future rec I wouldn't run any 19nor (tren/deca) without test as a base. Go enjoy your high natty test levels, once they are gone you'll miss em.