first time hcg usage and dosing


New member
i recently got 2 bottles of hcg i think their 10ml bottles and im not sure when and how to use them best. im getting ready to do a test cyp dbol and mast cycle ive decided to use mast over tren this time because im trying to avoid some of the sides. i plan on maybe going 20 weeks at fairly normal dosage of both nothing crazy like 500mg of cyp a week and 300mg of mast A a week with dbol to kick start and maybe use at low doses through out.

My question is how long can i make the 2 bottles last if i mix them both with 11cc of bac water and at what doses should i take them, or should i save them for the end of the cycle to blast before pct?
I read up on an article here austine wrote up on hcg but was awhile back and was excellent maybe someone can help you find it good luck